Suggest a Purchase for the Public Library
Don't see an item in our online catalogue? Suggest it!
If you have multiple suggestions, please complete a separate online form for each recommendation.
What kinds of items can I recommend for purchase?
When completing the online form, you must choose from one of the following formats:
- book, e-Book or large-print book,
- eAudiobook or CD audiobook,
- DVD,
- music CD,
- magazine, or
- other (use for specialty library items)
What information do I need to provide with my suggestion?
Be sure to include as many details about the item as you can, including:
- title (required),
- author's name,
- publisher,
- the ISBN, ISSN, or UPC number,
- audience (adult, children or teen), and
- category (fiction or nonfiction), if requesting a book.
How will I know if my suggestion has been accepted?
- The PEI Public Library Service is happy to consider additions to the collection but does not notify requestors whether their suggestions have been accepted due to the high volume of requests received.
- If your suggestion is accepted, it will be added to the library's online catalogue.