Manure and Nutrient Management
This booklet is a practical guide to help the agricultural community continue to be more environmentally responsible and gain maximum return from their waste resources.
This program assists farmers and landowners to identify and incorporate beneficial management practices in their farming activities by developing a practical plan for operating their farm in a way that is environmentally sustainable, socially acceptable...
These Guidelines are the successor to “Guidelines for Manure Management for Prince Edward Island”, published in 1999.
The following legislation is applicable to manure management:
Building Codes Act
Environmental Protection Act
Fisheries Act ...
In 2019, the PEI Department of Agriculture’s (PEIDA) Sustainable Agriculture Section initiated a manure sampling project on multiple farms across PEI. The sampling project included four commodities: dairy, beef, swine, and poultry, with the goal to...
The primary goal of nutrient management planning is to ensure adequate nutrients are supplied to a crop with the least amount of impact on the surrounding natural resources. Prince Edward Island derives all of its drinking water from ground water sources...
List of PEI Certified Nutrient Management Planners
Phone Number
Email Address
Ryan Barrett
PEI Potato Board
Mark Butcher
The Sustainable Agriculture section has developed a Manure Nutrient Availability Calculator to help estimate the amount of nutrients that will become available to the crop after manure application.
For more information, please contact the Nutrient...
Simply put, nutrient management is about making sure that crop and livestock nutrient needs are met, while at the same time, not having those nutrients in excess. It aims to optimize crop yield and quality, minimize input costs and protect soil and water...