Provincial Housing Initiatives – Reports and Documents
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A house is much more than four walls and a roof. It is a source of security, dignity, and identity for many individuals. By prioritizing housing, we prioritize the health of all Islanders and the social and economic well-being of our communities.
The Province of Prince Edward Island, through the Prince Edward Island Housing Corporation, is continuing to foster its ten-year cost-matched funding agreement with the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
This action plan details the anticipated...
The Department of Social Development and Housing contracted an independent consultant, Michelle MacDonald, AOR Solutions to undertake a community needs assessment to inform future planning regarding emergency shelter on Prince Edward Island. The...
The Government of Prince Edward Island, through the Prince Edward Island Housing Corporation, is proposing up to 1,200 units -- a mix of single family, multi-unit, townhouse and apartment-style accommodations -- for its 85-acre property and a built...
The Department of Housing, Land and Communities issued a Request for Proposals in the fall of 2022 to engage a consultant to complete a needs assessment for Kings County to better understand the current housing needs for the area which includes out-of-...
This report identifies affordable and adequate housing, emergency shelter, supportive housing, transportation, daytime support, addictions and mental health, coordination and communication, and data collection as gaps affecting homeless individuals in...
Annual Report for the PEI Housing Corporation for the 2018-2019 fiscal year.
Annual Report for the PEI Housing Corporation for the 2019-2020 fiscal year.
Annual Report for the PEI Housing Corporation for the 2020-2021 fiscal year.
Annual Report for the PEI Housing Corporation for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.
Annual Report for the PEI Housing Corporation for the 2022-2023 fiscal year.
Annual Report for the PEI Housing Corporation for the 2023-2024 fiscal year
2023 Housing Progress Report for Prince Edward Island
2021 Housing Progress Report for Prince Edward Island
2020 Housing Progress Report for Prince Edward Island
Rent Support for Survivors of Gender-Based Violence in Prince Edward Island --...
Housing is an important support for individuals and families to be healthy and productive, and successful citizens, and contributors to our society. It is not just about buildings; safe and appropriate housing is a basic support that contributes to...
Actions and progress report on the recommendations of the Community Needs Assessment for Emergency Shelters released November 2019.