Restaurant and Food Premises Violation Warnings

Le contenu suivant est seulement disponible en anglais.

If a food premises inspection or follow-up inspection finds a PEI food establishment does not meet the minimum standards set out in the Food Premises regulations, the violation will be recorded and a warning will be issued.

Only the food premises that have been issued a Warning, Health Order or Closure during the given date range will appear in the search. 

To view inspection results for a specific food establishment search Restaurant and Food Premises Inspection Reports

Inspection Report:
Following every inspection, the results are reported using the following categories:

  • Satisfactory: The food premises has met the minimum standards set out in the regulations.
  • Unsatisfactory - Re-inspection Required: The food premises has not met the minimum standards set out in the regulations; a follow-up inspection is required.
  • Unsatisfactory - Warning Letter Required: A follow-up inspection reveals that the food premises has not corrected the item(s) previously noted on an inspection report. The follow-up inspection report will indicate that the inspection result is unsatisfactory, that a warning letter may be issued and that a further (second) follow-up inspection is required.
  • Health Order: The Chief Public Health Officer will issue a written order if necessary to prevent, decrease the effect of or eliminate a condition that fails to meet a prescribed standard in relation to health, injury or illness.
  • Closure: Immediate action against a food premises where an inspection finds that a condition(s) exists that places the health of the public in immediate danger.

View full disclaimer. 

Published date: 
le 1 Septembre 2020
Santé et Mieux‑être

Renseignements généraux

Hygiène de l'environnement
Immeuble Sullivan, 2ième étage
16 rue Fitzroy
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7N8
Téléphone: 902-368-4970