Telling the Story of the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership in PEI
Here you will find a collection of stories that profile clients and projects funded under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership in Prince Edward Island.
What is the Sustainable Agriculture Partnership?
The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP) is a new $3.5-billion, 5-year agreement (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2028), between the federal, provincial and territorial governments to strengthen the competitiveness, innovation, and resiliency of the agriculture, agri‐food and agri‐based products sector. The agreement includes $1 billion in federal programs and activities and $2.5 billion in cost-shared programs and activities funded by federal, provincial and territorial governments.
Sustainable CAP marks an ambitious path forward and positions Canada's agriculture and agri-food sector for continued success as a world leader in economically, environmentally and socially sustainable agriculture.
Sustainable CAP focuses on the 5 key priority areas agreed to in The Guelph Statement:
- Climate Change and Environment
- Science, Research, and Innovation
- Market Development and Trade
- Building Sector Capacity, Growth and Competitiveness
- Resiliency and Public Trust
Sustainable CAP includes $500 million in new funds, which is a 25% increase in cost-shared funding from the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, (ending March 31, 2023). Sustainable CAP provides strong support for science, research and innovation to:
- address challenges
- seize new opportunities
- open new markets
- strengthen the resiliency of the sector
Read stories about projects funded through Sustainable CAP programs:
- The future is sunny for Launching highbush blueberry farm
- Processing plant gives brothers more time to profit from the fruits of their labour
- Association looks to build competitive edge in Island beef herd
- Innovative apple storage solution offers grower fresh marketing opportunities
- Orchard finds sweet success with dehydrated apple slices
- Farm finding success with cost-saving, greener tillage technique
- Summit makes dairy industry a shared global experience
- Videos, student tours and newcomer interest add to Open Farm Day success
- Training helps not-for-profit executive directors navigate growing list of challenges
Watch project videos funded through CAP programs:
- Fresh Packaging Pays Off for Island Potato Farmer - G. Visser & Sons Inc, Vernon Bridge
For more information, contact
Strategic Policy and Evaluation Division
PEI Department of Agriculture
5th Floor Jones Building
Charlottetown, PEI