PEI Forestry Commission

Le contenu suivant est seulement disponible en anglais.
Betts' Mill (Photo: Krystal Pyke)

Towards A New Forest Policy, a discussion paper by the Prince Edward Island Forestry Commission, outlines 13 key issues related to our forests and the forestry sector including the future legislative framework, government assistance to woodlot owners and the forest industry, the protection of forest ecosystems, and the need to develop more resilient forests.

Islanders are invited to provide input on forestry priorities at upcoming public meetings across the province. The public meetings will help the Forestry Commission understand more about Islanders' forestry priorities and the issues facing PEI forests.

What is the Forestry Commission?

In September 2022, post-tropical storm Fiona hit Prince Edward Island with hurricane-force winds, resulting in widespread impacts to Island forests. Government responded quickly by securing the J. Frank Gaudet Tree Nursery and resuming operations, assisting first responders in restoring critical infrastructure, prioritizing areas for wood salvage based on public safety and fire risk, acquiring post-storm satellite imagery, and launching an Emergency Forestry Task Force. The recommendations of the Emergency Forestry Task Force have been received.

In January 2023, Government appointed a Forestry Commission to review PEI’s forest policy, programs and legislation in the wake of Fiona, and develop a Forest Recovery Plan for Prince Edward Island.

Forestry Commission Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference (170KB) 
Termes de Référence (175KB) 

Commission Members 


Jean-Paul Arsenault of Charlottetown. Mr. Arsenault is a fluently-bilingual Islander with extensive forestry, human resources and public policy experience. He assisted with the Round Table on Resource Land Use and Stewardship (1996), The Commission on Land Use and Local Governance  (aka Thompson Commission, 2010), and the Commission on the Lands Protection Act (aka Carver Commission, 2013).


Marcel Arsenault, Abram-village
Reg Conohan, Cardigan
Jerry Gavin, Northport
Matt Hughes, Kelly's Cross
John MacQuarrie, Charlottetown
Dr. Kathy Martin, Stanhope
Keila Miller, Souris
Krystal Pyke, Charlottetown
Gary Schneider, Stratford
Zora Wendt, Breadalbane
Sarah Wheatley, Suffolk

Forestry Commission Public Meetings Presentations 

Charlottetown Meeting - May 14, 2024

PEI Watershed Alliance 
PEI Watershed Alliance Summary Report 
PEI Watershed Alliance Survey Response Grid

PEI Woodlot Owners Association Presentation

Jon Schurman Forestry Commission Speech

Roger Roy Presentation to the PEI Forestry Commission

Montague Meeting - May 28, 2024

Ian Petrie Presentation 

Island Nature Trust  
Island Nature Trust Presentation 

Martinus Rose Presentation

Souris Meeting - May 30, 2024

John teRaa Presentation 
Souris Wildlife Presentation 
Don Humphrey 

Forestry Commission Interim Reports

Towards a New Forest Policy for Prince Edward Island (12.8MB)
Document de discussion vers une nouvelle politique forestière pour l’Île‐du‐Prince‐Édouard 
Sustainability of Biomass Utilization Report, 2023 (1.7MB) 
Sustainability of Biomass Utilization Report Executive Summary, 2023 (FR) 
Improving the Success of Hardwood Seedling Production and Establishment 
Improving the Success of Hardwood Seedling Production and Establishment 2023 - Executive Summary (FR)

Forestry Commission Field Tours

2023 Field Tours (5.7MB)

Additional Resources 

Auditor General Report, 2023  (1.35MB)
2010-2020 Prince Edward Island State of the Forest Report  (11MB)
Prince Edward Island Forest Policy (1.9MB)
News Release, January 2023


West Prince Graphic (May 22, 2024) 
La Voix Acadienne (May 28, 2024)
La Voix Acadienne (May 28, 2024) FR 

Written Submissions

Written Submission - Rob MacLean
Written Submission - Ira Smith
Written Submission - PEI Invasive Species Council 
Written Submission - PEI Watershed Alliance 
Written Submission - Working Forest PEI (Dan Dupont) 
Written Submission - Debbie Gallant
Written Submission - Ken Miller 
Written Submission - Hillsborough River Association  
Witten Submission - Certified Organic Producers Coop Submission 
Written Submission - Laird Tree Care 
Written Submission - Trudy White 
Written Submission - PEIWOA Commission  
Written Submission - L'nuey

For further information, please contact:

Jean-Paul Arsenault, Chairperson 

Date de publication : 
le 31 Janvier 2025