Canadian Collaborative Procurement

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The Canadian Collaborative Procurement Initiative (CCPI) is a federal procurement initiative in which the Government of Prince Edward Island is participating. Through the CCPI, public sector organizations in the province are able to use Government of Canada procurement instruments (e.g. standing offers and supply arrangements) to:

  • meet their buying needs
  • reduce costs
  • generate administrative efficiencies
  • obtain better value 

The public sector is defined as all Government of Prince Edward Island departments and agencies, as well as Crown Corporations in the province. Other broader public sector organizations that are recognized by the provincial government are eligible to participate. These include: 

  • Municipalities 
  • Schools and School Boards
  • Universities and Colleges
  • Hospitals 

Collectively known as the MASH Sector. 

Benefits of Collaborative Procurement 

Public sector procurement is estimated to be approximately $200B annually in Canada, with approximately 80% taking place at the local or regional levels. By coupling the purchasing power of the federal government with that of the provinces, territories, and other public sector organizations, the efficiency and value realized through our collaborative procurements will improve. 

Benefits for Suppliers

Suppliers already compete for a wide variety of public contracts at different levels of government. Collaborative procurements makes it easier for them to sell to multiple levels of government in a streamlined approach and to also expand their market share. The potential value and scope of each opportunity should increase, and the bid preparation investments required by suppliers should decrease. 

Benefits for Buyers

By using collaborative procurement tools to purchase certain commodities, public sector buyers from within Prince Edward Island can benefit from rates negotiated by the Government of Canada, streamline their procurement processes, and reduce administrative and legal costs. Thanks to this collaborative approach, buyers can also share knowledge and procurement best practices on a range of commodities. 

Commodities Available 

Dozens of commodities are currently available for purchase through PSPC procurement instruments. For a full listing of Goods and Services that can be accessed through CCPI, see the 3-Year Canadian Collaborative Procurement Plan here. 

The following conditions apply when using Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) procurement tools outlined in the 3-Year plan:

  • PSPC is responsible for managing the terms and conditions of the procurement instrument agreements. 
  • All provincial buyers are responsible for resolving disputes between themselves and the seller, although PSPC may help to clarify terms. 
  • Prices, terms and/or conditions of the procurement instrument agreements cannot be modified or negotiated, as these items were agreed to previously following an open tendering process. 
  • Provincial buyers may purchase goods within the commodity groups covered by the procurement instrument agreements; goods not listed in the procurement instruments should be purchased using other tools. 

How to Join the CCPI

1. (a) For members of the MASH sector in Prince Edward Island (including Crown Corporations)

  • Members of the MASH sector will be required to sign an Accessibility Agreement with the Government of Prince Edward Island as a precondition for joining the CCPI. The agreement will be sent to a MASH sector organization upon request.
  • Once the agreement is signed, and the organization is officially a participant in the CCPI, the organization must inform the Government of Prince Edward Island which federal procurement instruments it wishes to access. Organizations are encouraged to review the 3-Year plan online regularly as update are made both intermittently and on a biannual basis. 

1. (b) For Government of Prince Edward Island departments only

  • Government of Prince Edward Island departments are included in the CCPI and are not required to sign any additional agreements. Government departments should also review the 3-year plan regularly for updates.

2. Participating Prince Edward Island Government departments and other MASH sector organizations

  • All Prince Edward Island-based participants in the CCPI are granted access to PSPC's secure web portal (called SOSA) where CCPI procurement instruments, including pricing, can be viewed here.
  • Once your department or organization has indicated it wishes to access CCPI procurement instruments by advising the Government of Prince Edward Island, a SOSA account manager from PSPC will contact you to set up a account from which you will be able to access the secure SOSA application.
  • To facilitate this process, please provide the following information to the Government of Prince Edward Island by email to
  • User's full name;
  • User's job title;
  • Name of the Government department, agency, or other public sector organization; 
  • Employee's Government or public sector organization email address; and
  • Employee's Government or public sector organization telephone number.
  • Additional SOSA training provided by PSPC's SOSA account manager can be requested on an as needed basis. 

CCPI Access Coordinator Contact for the Government of Prince Edward Island:


Phone: 902-368-4040

Date de publication : 
le 3 Septembre 2019

Renseignements généraux

Services d’approvisionnement
2e étage, immeuble Shaw
95, rue Rochford
C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.)
C1A 7N8

Téléphone : 902-368-4040
Télécopieur : 902-368-5171