Express Entry Immigration at Work

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Express Entry Applicant, AFM Mursalin

AFM Mursalin is happily building a career and a life for his family in Prince Edward Island through the PEI Express Entry Program.

Mursalin is working as a junior engineer and designer at Coles Associates. He enjoys the work / life balance and opportunities that Prince Edward Island offers. 

Learn more about the PEI Express Entry program


Date de publication : 
le 27 Juin 2017
Bureau de l'immigration

Renseignements généraux

Bureau de l'immigration
94, rue Euston, 2e étage
C.P. 1176
Charlottetown, (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7M8

Téléphone: 902-620-3628
Télécopieur: 902-368-5886