
Lawyer brings legal expertise to Workers Compensation Tribunal

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Susan Robinson of Albany is a member of the Workers Compensation Appeal Tribunal

For lawyer Susan Robinson, volunteering through Engage PEI offers the opportunity to provide some clarity for injured workers at a time of uncertainty.

Robinson, of Albany, was appointed to the Workers Compensation Appeal Tribunal after applying through Engage PEI.

“I knew the background I had would be a help to the tribunal in dealing with cases,” she said.

“What we do is provide an avenue of appeal for workers, or occasionally employers, who are not satisfied with a decision from the Workers Compensation Board. I think it allows a person who has been waiting for a decision to get it settled.”

Decisions from the tribunal can determine a person’s eligibility for worker's compensation support as well as the level of compensation on offer.

“There has been a backlog in appeals at time, so I know that they are very eager to have these cases looked at and people given a decision.”

Robinson said she felt that after 10 years as a lawyer in private practice and 13 years working for the PEI Law Society she had an expertise that could benefit her fellow citizens.

“I’ve got a fair bit of experience working in a board environment, as well as an understanding of administration and tribunals. I knew this was an area where I could help,” she said. “The decisions that I am helping to formulate not only affect the people appealing but they will shape how compensation decisions are made in the future as well.”

Engage PEI encourages all Islanders to get involved with their provincial government by joining more than 70 volunteer agencies, boards, and commissions (ABCs). There are three types of ABCs:

  • advisory ABCs provide information to government that will assist in developing policy or delivering programs;
  • operational ABCs provide goods and/or services to implement approved government policy and programs;
  • and regulatory ABCs control public or private sector operations, review licenses, or hear appeals regarding government and third-party decisions.

Islanders are encouraged to submit an application to Engage PEI so it is on file when a vacancy opens, since board appointment terms expire every month.

Learn more about opportunities with the province’s agencies, boards and commissions at Engage PEI.

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