
Newcomer entrepreneurs rejuvenating tourism operations in Cavendish

Le contenu suivant est seulement disponible en anglais.

The Province is working alongside 13 hospitality operators in Cavendish, most of whom speak Mandarin, who are enriching our province and helping to support the needs of non-English speaking tourists visiting Prince Edward Island. Of these 13 operators, seven are current applicants through the Office of Immigration’s Provincial Nominee Program.

The Province, through the Office of Immigration, offers a variety of assistance for tourism operators in the area, including a Mandarin speaking staff member who is available for consultation and will be on-site at the Cavendish Visitor Information Centre on a weekly basis beginning next week. The Office of Immigration also provides support in Mandarin translation services and issues management for tourism operators. 

Newcomer businesses in the Cavendish area include: Swept Away Cottages; Sundance Cottages; Cavendish Lodge and Cottages; Avonlea Cottages; Bay Vista Motel; Cavendish Gateway Resort; Meadowview Cottages; Hidden Acres Cottages; St. Lawrence Motel; Cavendish Sunset Campground; Bubbling Brook Cottages; Bluecrest Cottages; and the Silverwood Motel.

Christina Hu, owner of Bay Vista Motel and newcomer entrepreneur commented on the beauty of Prince Edward Island and the friendly nature of Islanders. She encourages anyone new to the Island to give it time, although it may appear to be a small province, the opportunities are endless.
In 2015, PEI welcomed 810 new Islanders and nominated 696 individuals, 394 business people, 154 skilled workers, and 196 skilled workers under the PNP’s Express Entry. To date, PEI has welcomed 200 Syrian refugees and looks forward to welcoming more in the near future. The influx of new Canadians plays a large role in Prince Edward Island’s economic future, and the region and country recognize immigration as a Canadian priority.

The PEI PNP is a Federal-Provincial partnership between the Government of Prince Edward Island and the Government of Canada, represented by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). The PEI PNP allows the Province to nominate potential newcomer applicants to CIC for Permanent Residency status to Canada.

For more information on the PNP program, contact www.gov.pe.ca/immigration or ImmigratePEI@gov.pe.ca

Media contact:
Sheila Kerry
Senior Communications Officer
Economic Development and Tourism
(902) 620-3688

Renseignements généraux

Bureau de l'immigration
94, rue Euston, 2e étage
C.P. 1176
Charlottetown, (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7M8

Téléphone: 902-620-3628
Télécopieur: 902-368-5886
