Résultats de la recherche
Les nouvelles récentes rassemblent les nouvelles des 2 dernières années.
Consultez les nouvelles archivées pour les nouvelles plus anciennes.
Résultats 1 - 30 de 35 .Results
MD 2018-01 Granting of Senior High Graduation Diploma and Certificate of Accomplishment in the English language education program
Minister's Directive to establish rules for the granting of diplomas and provincial certificates of accomplishment in an English language education program, including an education program for French immersion students.
Annual Report, Education and Early Childhood Development, 2014-2015
This is the annual report for the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development for the 2014-2015 fiscal year.
Annual Report, Education and Early Childhood Development, 2013-2014
This is the annual report for the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development for the 2013-2014 fiscal year.
Annual Report, Education and Early Childhood Development, 2012-2013
This is the annual report for the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development for the 2012-2013 fiscal year.
Annual Report, Education and Early Childhood Development, 2011-2012
This is the annual report for the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development for the 2011-2012 fiscal year.
Annual Report, Education and Early Childhood Development, 2010-2011
This is the annual report for the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development for the 2010-2011 fiscal year.
Order - Supervisory Personnel of Education Authorities, Members of the Civil Service
This is an order of the Minister of Education, Early Learning and Culture stipulating that supervisory personnel of education authorities are members of the civil service.
MD 2016-08 - Education Authority Budget Information
This Minister's directive clarifies the budget information requirements of education authorities.
MD 2016-07 - Education Authority Financial Statements
This Minister's directive describes the financial reporting requirements of education authorities.