Résultats de la recherche
Les nouvelles récentes rassemblent les nouvelles des 2 dernières années.
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Résultats 1 - 10 de 12 .Results
Register a Snowmobile and Other Off-Highway Motor Vehicles
As of November 1, 2024 amendments to the Off-Highway Vehicle Act and the Off-Highway Vehicle Act Regulations mean new changes for the registration of off-highway vehicles, including dirt bikes. The registration process for snowmobiles remains the same.
All off-highway vehicles (OHV) must be...
Additional Air Quality Tests Overview
The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure undertakes many renovation and construction projects for our road network, education facilities, and many more. We follow very strict protocols approved by the Workers Compensation Board for all major renovation and construction projects.
Immatriculation de véhicule pour les pompiers volontaires
Si vous êtes une pompière ou un pompier volontaire actif, vous pouvez obtenir une première plaque d’immatriculation gratuitement, valable pendant 6 à 17 mois au moment d’immatriculer un nouveau véhicule, ainsi qu’un renouvellement d’immatriculation annuel gratuit.
La plaque d’immatriculation...
Leasing Provincial Land
It is possible to lease provincially owned land from Government. The tenant must adhere to the terms and conditions of the lease agreement and carry adequate insurance, with Government named as an additional insured.
If you are leasing land from Government, you should expect to:
Pay an annual...