Résultats de la recherche
Les nouvelles récentes rassemblent les nouvelles des 2 dernières années.
Consultez les nouvelles archivées pour les nouvelles plus anciennes.
Résultats 1 - 20 de 27 .Results
Qu’est-ce que la shigellose?
La shigellose est une maladie infectieuse causée par un groupe de bactéries du genre Shigella (shigelles). La maladie est couramment appelée dysenterie. L’humain est la seule source de shigelles. Ces bactéries sont extrêmement infectieuses, et l’ingestion d’à peine dix...
What is an inquest?
An inquest is an inquiry that establishes the facts surrounding a death. It answers the questions who, when, where, and how. The inquest is run by the coroner and held before a jury. It is usually a public inquiry open to anyone who wants to attend.
At the end of the inquest...
Call for Proposals - Seniors' Secretariat Community Grants 2019
The PEI Seniors’ Secretariat is inviting organizations and community groups who are seeking the opportunity to undertake activities which align with the Secretariat’s priority areas of action to submit a proposal for funding.
Senior's Secretariat Community Grant Application Form 2018
Senior's Secretariat Community Grant Application Form 2018
Recommendations from the inquest into the death of Catherine Shirley Gillis
Jury recommendations from the inquest on the death of Catherine Shirley Gillis which took place April 9-10, 2018
Plastics - Presentation to EAC
PLASTICS re-inventing & re-thinking society’s “material workhorse" - presentation to Environmental Advisory Council - June 6, 2018