Résultats de la recherche
Les nouvelles récentes rassemblent les nouvelles des 2 dernières années.
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Résultats 1 - 30 de 47 .Results
Ministère des Pêches et des Communautés Plan stratégique 2021-2024
Le plan stratégique 2021-2024 du ministère des Pêches et des Communautés oriente le personnel, la direction, les clients et les acteurs du milieu pour ce qui est de la vision, de la mission, des valeurs et des priorités du Ministère. Il a été démontré qu’un plan stratégique clarifie les buts et les...
Council Reporting and Information - Rural Communities Council Annual Report (2020-2021)
The Rural Communities Council provides advice and makes recommendations to Government regarding rural topics related to the themes of people, communities, the environment and wellness and explore opportunities for development in rural PEI. What is the function of the council? Specifically, the...
PEI Seafood Sector Economic Contribution Study
The PEI Seafood Sector Economic Contribution Study, prepared by Ernst and Young for the PEI Marine Science Organization, examines the indirect impacts of the various sectors within the seafood industry. The outcome of the report is an estimation of the economic footprint of the seafood industry in...
Fisheries Statistics 2019
The Prince Edward Island fishery statistical report is designed to present the current information available on the fishing industry. The value to the economy of the Province exceeds $698 million. The industry employs as many as 8,000 people at peak production.