Résultats de la recherche
Les nouvelles récentes rassemblent les nouvelles des 2 dernières années.
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Résultats 1 - 15 de 15 .Results
High Capacity Wells
What is a high capacity well?
Any well where 4 L/second or more of water is extracted is a high capacity well.
What are high capacity wells used for?
High capacity wells are used for drinking water supplies, aquaculture, food processing, irrigation for agriculture and golf courses, and various...
Report Marine or Shoreline Debris
You can contribute to our efforts in preserving our marine ecosystem by reporting debris you find along our shorelines, estuaries, ponds, and lakes. Your observations can help us identify problem areas, assess the scale of the issue, and take targeted action to address unwanted or potentially...
Registre des eaux de l’Î.-P.-É.
La Water Act (loi sur l’eau) de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard renforce la façon dont nous gérons et protégeons nos ressources hydriques naturelles ainsi que nos écosystèmes de soutien. La loi régit l’extraction et l’utilisation des eaux souterraines et de surface. La transparence est de rigueur pour...
Connect with us online to submit a request, report a concern or give feedback
Your active participation is welcome as we work together to protect our environment, and ensure the health and safety of our residents and visitors. Your feedback, requests for information and reporting of environmental concerns are important. Reporting unusual activity or a significant change in...
Report a Violation to a Conservation Officer
Conservation Officers patrol the Province of PEI to monitor, preserve and protect our Island’s wildlife and natural resources. They conduct investigations and respond to reports from the public about potential violations under many pieces of provincial and federal legislation. You could encounter a...