Hurricane Fiona Forestry Recovery Program

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Post-tropical storm Fiona hit Prince Edward Island on September 23-24, 2022 with hurricane-force winds and significant rainfall. As a result, our island experienced widespread and substantial damage to its coastlines and forests.

Post-storm satellite imagery, acquired by the Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action, showed the forest area affected by blowdown exceeds 32,000 ha (79,000 acres), with some variation across Prince, Queens, and Kings counties. This caused losses, damages, and cleanup-costs to many of PEI’s 16,000 private woodlot owners; these losses included damage to standing wood, access roads and bridges, past investments in forest management, and future value of wood and wood products.  

What is the Forestry Recovery Program?

New funding is now available for small forestry businesses and landowners who were not eligible for assistance under previous Hurricane Fiona recovery programs. The Hurricane Fiona Forestry Recovery Program is focused on clearing Fiona-felled trees on essential forest access roads, and on small woodlots where land may pose a fire risk to nearby urban areas and infrastructure. The recovery work will be carried out by a private contractor, i.e. professional arborist or chainsaw operator (if contractor applies, they can complete their own work with approvals). Please note that tree planting and landscaping services are not included under this program.

The Province of Prince Edward Island would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA). 

Am I eligible for assistance under the Forestry Recovery Program?

Assistance is available through two application streams:

1. Forest Roads

Financial assistance is available for woodlots where the forestry road is deemed necessary for sustainable forest management and fire suppression i.e. no other access roads are nearby, or where the road provides access to forest land near infrastructure. Upon completion and review of application, the applicant will be contacted by Forests, Fish & Wildlife to assess forest road eligibility, location and condition. 

Eligible applicants must:

  • be the registered landowner of a forested property 2.5 acres (1 hectare) or greater, and have suffered damages and/or loss as a result of Hurricane Fiona;
  • be currently enroled in the PEI Forest Enhancement Program;
  • have generated less than $10,000 annual revenue from the woodlot prior to Hurricane Fiona; and
  • be ineligible for all other sources of financial assistance such as insurance claims, other Hurricane Fiona support programs, and/or PEI Disaster Financial Assistance Program.

2. Small Woodlots

Financial assistance is available for small woodlot owners (less than 2.5 acres) where land is excluded from the Forest Enhancement Program, but where land intersects with urban and wildland areas and may pose a fire risk. 

Eligible applicants must:

  • be the registered owner of a forested property LESS THAN 2.5 acres (1 hectare) that suffered damages and/or loss as a result of Hurricane Fiona; 
  • there must be a MINIMUM 1 acre of forested area; and
  • be ineligible for all other sources of financial assistance such as insurance claims, other Hurricane Fiona support programs, and/or PEI Disaster financial Assistance Program.

What do I need to complete the online form for the Forestry Recovery Program?

You will be asked to select the appropriate application stream, and to provide the following information:

  • identity and contact information;
  • details about property listed on the application; including
    • property identification number (PID)
    • community name
    • property size, in acres if known
  • any previous support received from other funding sources
  • acceptance of disclaimer statements

How long will it take to process my application?

Timelines have not been established for this application process; however, designated staff will respond to these applications as quickly as possible.

Who can I contact for more information on the Hurricane Fiona Forestry Recovery Program?

Scott MacDonald, Provincial Supervisor, Private land Program 
Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division
PEI Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Box 2000
​Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Environnement, Énergie et Action climatique

Renseignements généraux

Division des forêts, de la pêche et de la faune
Pépinière J. Frank Gaudet 
183, chemin Upton
C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.)  C1A 7N8

Téléphone : 902-368-6450

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