Bourses, subventions et prix
Le programme de Bourse de service communautaire fournit aux élèves de niveau secondaire de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard l’occasion de faire du bénévolat dans leur collectivité afin de payer une partie de leurs études postsecondaires. Cette bourse est...
Si vous êtes un étudiant insulaire commençant sa première année d’études à l’Université de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard, au collège Holland ou au Collège de l’Île, vous pourriez être admissible à la bourse d’études George Coles. La bourse est offerte aux...
To help cover educational related expenses for the academic year, the Canada Student Financial Assistance Program offers a grant of $2,800 to eligible students with permanent or persistent or prolonged disabilities. Once approved as a student with a...
Canada Student Grants & Loans for Part-Time Students
For post-secondary students taking courses on a part-time basis, there is student financial assistance available for costs, such as tuition, books, transportation, etc. Funding for part-time (PT)...
Eligible Islanders can apply to receive Employment Insurance while attending post-secondary training, including university, through Career Connect.
Career Connect is offered through Skills PEI and is part of the Labour Market Development Agreement with...
If you are a PEI resident attending either UPEI, Holland College, or Collège de l'Île, you may be eligible for the Island Advantage Bursary, a low- and middle-income, needs-based bursary.
When combined with the Canada Student Grant for Full-Time...
The scholarship program was established in the name of distinguished Mi'kmaq Islander John James Sark in September 2009. He earned a post-secondary education at St. Dunstan's University, and was the Island's first Mi'kmaq teacher.
What is the...
Beginning in the fall of 2024, the Marion L. Reid Grant will provide funding for PEI residents who are enrolled in eligible health care programs at universities and colleges across Canada. Though most of the eligible programs of study are only available...
Bourse d’études postsecondaires en français
Programme d'échange d'élèves Î.-P.-É.-Québec
Le programme de perfectionnement linguistique (PPL) pour enseignants de l'Î.-P.-É.
Formulaire de demande
Le gouvernement de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard s’emploie à réduire les obstacles financiers que rencontrent les étudiantes et étudiants insulaires dans leurs études postsecondaires. Le Programme de bourse pour réduction de dette aide les personnes diplômées...