Croissance des entreprises
Les Insulaires connaissent peut-être le travail d’Alicia Birt à Innovation Î.-P.-É., où elle a exercé diverses fonctions pendant plus de 15 ans.
Maintenant, Alicia est la première accompagnatrice d’entreprises de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard, un rôle qu’...
Ranjit & his wife, Priya, immigrated from Dubai; looking for stability and a quality post-secondary education for their daughter. Ranjit has found both personal and business support in the PEI community and has started a franchise marketing business...
Teresa Tu provides support to Island business owners by connecting them with global talent when they are having trouble filling job vacancies locally.
“We help businesses grow and succeed by connecting employers with international recruits who have...
Anne and Alex Jamieson wanted to immigrate to Canada for many years. After a few vacations to PEI, and meeting many great friends, they decided to make the move and open their own Cider business. The welcoming and friendly people in PEI have helped put...
The recently renovated spa at the Delta Prince Edward Hotel and Convention Centre is a tranquil oasis inside a bustling hotel.
Dim lights, peaceful music and essential oils welcome clients in the waiting room where they are offered a 'cloud chair' and a...
The first time Matthew Doiron stepped on a stand-up paddle board he said he knew it was going to change his life.
“I had goosebumps; it was a Eureka moment,” the 35-year-old owner of East Coast Paddle Adventures said. “That day, I thought ‘I’m going to...
Island filmmaker Jeff Eagar has had a lifelong love affair with sport. As a varsity basketball player, a marathoner and now a daily yoga practitioner, he sees sport and movement as a 'pillar of life.'
That’s why he wanted to introduce three highly...
Selon Scott Costain, l’installation d’une borne de recharge pour les véhicules électriques au Mill River Resort and Golf Course, à O’Leary, permet d’offrir un meilleur service à la clientèle et en fait un attrait pour les touristes ayant un véhicule...