Faune insulaire
The Province of PEI and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) have identified the forested landscape on PEI as one of eleven Priority Places for Species at Risk in Canada. The identification of Priority Places for Species at Risk is based on their...
Wild creatures live all around us and usually they go unnoticed as we go about our daily lives. However, sometimes they can create problems by feeding on crops or garbage, making loud noises, spreading diseases or harming livestock and pets.
Where can...
Bringing non-native species into a new habitat area can create serious problems by disrupting the ecosystem's balance, causing economic losses, harming human health and/or creating significant environmental impacts.
What animal species are prohibited on...
Since 1997, the Prince Edward Island Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division (FFW) has been mandated to produce a State of Wildlife Report every decade. The first report was delivered in 2012 and reported on trends and statuses between 1997 and 2007. The...
What is the Wildlife Conservation Fund?
The Wildlife Conservation Fund provides funding for the protection and enhancement of wildlife and wildlife habitats on Prince Edward Island. The fund is generated from the annual licence fees of anglers, hunters...