When are municipal elections?
General municipal elections are held every four years. (MGA s. 37) with the next general municipal election on Monday, November 2, 2026 for all municipalities except the Resort Municipality which will hold their general...
Les municipalités jouent un rôle important dans la prestation des services locaux à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. Or, celles-ci font face à des responsabilités et à des attentes de plus en plus complexes, tant du point de vue de leurs habitants que de celui...
Land use planning helps organize a community, ensures health and safety, and provides opportunities for economic development. The process involves land users, community members and leaders, professional planners, and decision-makers. It represents the...
Election processes are the same for all municipalities and the procedures for general elections and by-elections are guided by the Municipal Government Act (MGA), the Municipal Election Regulations, the Campaign Contributions and Election Expenses Bylaw...
Search below for a Municipality’s recent financial statements. For a list of PEI Municipalities.
If you are unable to find financial statements for the municipal government you are searching for or would like assistance please contact Municipal Affairs...
This map displays the boundaries of the municipalities in Prince Edward Island.
Search: To determine the municipality of your household, search for the civic address from the Search icon in the menu bar.
Lookup: From the list of all municipalities,...
The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), or their designate, of the municipality should report any council member (Mayor/Council) vacancies to Municipal Affairs, along with potential by-election dates. The CAO should ensure that resigning council member...
When are municipal elections?
The next general municipal election will be held on Monday, November 2, 2026. They are held every four years on the first Monday in November. (MGA - section 37) Between the general municipal election, if there are vacancies...