Secteurs émergents à l'Île
Les recherches et le développement de produits novateurs sont au cœur de l’avenir économique de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. En plus de connaître une croissance dans plusieurs secteurs économiques clés, l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard est riche en ressources naturelles, bien située pour l’exportation et de plus en plus reconnue pour sa réussite commerciale.
The aerospace and defence industry in Prince Edward Island is thriving and enjoys many business advantages:
A highly skilled and loyal workforce;
Easy access to major international markets including Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, New York, and London;...
Prince Edward Island offers a vibrant and innovative community for research and development.
There is considerable focus and energy being directed to the PEI bioscience sector from within industry, government, and academia. Entrepreneurs from across the...
PEI’s economic strength is historically grounded in well established industries like agriculture, fishing and tourism. The economic focus for the future involves innovative research and development as well as supportive clustering in several key growth...
As the lead economic development agency in Prince Edward Island, Innovation PEI works with local businesses to create jobs and grow our economy.
Prince Edward Island is developing a solid reputation as the location of choice for many leading...