
Province continues to support inclusive communities

Thirty-two community organizations across the Island are receiving support from the provincial government for projects that promote diversity and inclusion. 

The Gender, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (GEDI) and Community Enhancement Program provided a total of $650,000 in funding annually for 2025. The BIPOC Business and Professional Network was one of the organizations that received funding this year with the goal to create a greater sense of belonging across the Island.

Since the program’s inception in 2022, there has been a total of $1.8M funding distributed to over 56 total organizations and 81 projects. The funding streams for this year span across open proposals, gender-based violence prevention, to community events and celebrations. 

Through the bilateral agreement between the Governments of Canada and Prince Edward Island to support The National Plan to End Gender Based Violence, the Interministerial Women’s Secretariat has provided an additional $150,000 for gender-based violence prevention efforts.


"We at BIPOC BPN are thrilled to receive approval from the GEDI Fund for our needs assessment," said Fadi Rashed, vice president, BIPOC Business and Professional Network. "This support empowers us to further our mission of promoting economic equality and opportunity within the BIPOC community. By understanding the needs and experiences of diverse BIPOC entrepreneurs and professionals, we can drive innovation and economic growth that reflect the rich diversity of our society. We are excited to leverage this funding to make a meaningful impact."

“Together we can build a more inclusive province with diverse perspectives and experiences,” said Jenn Redmond, Minister of Workforce, Advanced Learning and Population and the Minister responsible for the Status of Women. “It is important that we continue to invest in community leaders and initiatives that break down barriers and bring the community together. I am glad to see that over thirty organizations are receiving support to uplift marginalized voices, including women, as we work together toward a more connected and vibrant PEI.” 

"Prince Edward Island is breaking down barriers and fostering inclusion by supporting diverse voices and investing in community-led initiatives. Through the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence, we are supporting organizations like the BIPOC Business and Professional Network to ensure that everyone, including women has a greater sense of belonging and can drive economic growth. Supporting initiatives that help break down barriers are crucial in our fight to end gender-based violence."
-    The Honourable Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth
Learn more about the GEDI program.

Media contact:
Brooke Miller
Department of Workforce, Advanced Learning and Population


The 32 organizations were funded for the following projects through the GEDI program:

Organization Project Project Description Funding
BGC Charlottetown Community Training Program for Children and Youth Organizations To provide training opportunities that will equip staff with the knowledge to create safer, more inclusive environments for children attending BGC.  $13,250
BGC Prince County Stick Together Festival  To support the 4th annual Stick Together Festival at the Lennox Island Mi'kmaq Culture Centre, designed to bring together Indigenous and non-Indigenous children, youth, and families from across Prince County for cultural programming (Mi'kmaq drumming, dancing quillwork, Bannock baking, and storytelling). $18,000
BIPOC Business &Professional Network (BIPOC BPN) BIPOC Economic Integration Needs Assessment: Findings and Recommendations To conduct a needs assessment to provide an evidence base for developing solutions that promote economic integration (i.e., elimination of race-based disparities) for BIPOC Islanders.  $36,190
BIPOC USHR PEI Inc.  Redefining Strength: A BIPOC Men's Group To create space for BIPOC men to meet, build relationships, and discuss their emotions and mental health with the aim of building a stronger sense of community.    $22,220
Brazilians in PEI Connecting Brazilians in PEI To empower Brazilians living in PEI by creating a welcoming environment where they can connect, celebrate their vibrant culture and customs, and find strength and support through shared experiences with peers and neighbors. $7,720
Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) Attitude is Everything To dispel misconceptions about blindness and sight loss and create education opportunities for the broader community.  $12,500
Chinese Culture Federation  2025 International Lunar New Year Gala     To celebrate Lunar New Year by bringing together the multiple communities that observe it, fostering a shared appreciation of traditions, unity, and cultural richness. $12,500
Colonel Gray Diversity Appreciation Club International Coffeehouse To foster inclusivity, cultural exchange and building community among students new to Canada. $2,500
Community Sector Network of PEI Rural Community Empowerment Initiative To offer EDI leadership development and organizational resiliency workshops for rural non-profits across the Island to empower stronger, more inclusive, rural communities where marginalized individuals can fully engage and participate in community life. $19,073
CreativePEI PEI Disability Arts Collective To challenge misconceptions and de-stigmatize disability in art and provide a safe space for emerging and established artists to meet and discuss discrimination and celebrate accomplishments.  $11,000
Filipino Community of Prince Edward Island PEIsta Kultura 2025 To honor and celebrate the vibrant culture and proud traditions of the Filipino community in PEI. $12,500
Fusion Charlottetown  Fusion Flavours 3 To continue fostering community and sense of belonging between newcomers and long-time Island residents through the medium of food, while addressing issues around affordability and sustainability within the food sector. $7,350
Generation XX Summerside Inc.  Connecting Community To support the development of a youth-led Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan for Generation XX.  $10,450
Kerala Association of PEI (KAPEI) Population Retention & Cultural Inclusion, Inclusive Cultural Festival To organize cultural events that bring together people from South India, creating opportunities for them to connect, share their traditions, and feel valued as integral members of Island communities. $20,000
Kerala PEI Cultural Association (KPCA) Dhe Onam 2025 To celebrate Dhe Onam, a harvest festival deeply rooted in the values of unity, diversity, and equality.  $12,500
Latinos Association of PEI Latin Festival To celebrate, promote, and unify the Latin and Hispanic communities in PEI through a Latin festival. $12,500
Native Council of Prince Edward Island Enn Fil Club (Girl's Club) To provide a safe space for Indigenous girls to gather through cultural activities  to develop the capacity for dialogue and education about sexual exploitation and provide a possible avenue for those seeking help.  $70,274
O'Leary Elementary School Celebrating Diversity at O'Leary Elementary School To provide students, teachers, and families O'Leary Elementary School with the opportunity to celebrate the diversity that exists within their school community with the aim of building cultural awareness and a sense of belonging. $3,000
PEI Coalition for Women’s Leadership  Beyond Voting: Civic Engagement for New Islanders To provide introductory civic education to newcomers in PEI in efforts to engage and provide information on how to participate in local policy processes in ways that don’t require the ability to cast a vote. $38,300
PEI Family Violence Prevention Services Inc.  FVPS Rural Awareness Campaign To run a public campaign to spread awareness about the services offered by PEI Family Violence Prevention Services, with a specific focus on rural Islanders. $30,000
PEI Titans Foundation Inc.  Cultural Inclusion and Population Retention To celebrate and raise cultural awareness of Hindu heritage in PEI, showcasing its rich traditions, values, and contributions while fostering understanding and appreciation within the broader community. $20,000
Pride PEI Inc. & Women’s Network PEI Building Access & Creating Trauma Informed Accessible Spaces To remove barriers associated with attending live events by addressing fear, uncertainty, and discomfort for neurodivergent, disabled, gender-diverse, and individuals that have experienced gender-based-violence, while increasing organizational capacity for venues to create safer spaces, through the development of an accessibility toolkit and venue directory. $92,292
River Clyde Arts Creativity Through Inclusivity Initiative To build upon River Clyde Arts’ recent initiatives to reduce barriers that limit participation in their programming to welcome more underserved people into their rural events. $30,000
Rural Municipality of Miltonvale Park Miltonvale Park - Good Neighbors! To introduce the majority-white residents of rural Miltonvale Park to new-to-them cultures and to celebrate and honor the rich traditions of the Indigenous communities of the Island. $6,016
Stratford Elementary School Celebration of Cultures Week  To provide students, teachers and families of Stratford Elementary with the opportunity to celebrate the diversity within their school community with the aim of building cultural awareness and a sense of belonging.  $3,000
The Canadian Vietnamese Association on PEI (VietPEI) The Wiser Woman Workshop To address the information and language barriers that exist for immigrant women experiencing perimenopause and menopause through multilingual resources and culturally sensitive training. $8,890
Ukrainian Canadian Congress - PEI Branch Ukrainian Days in PEI To host a series of events to celebrate Ukrainian heritage, foster a deeper understanding of Ukraine’s culture and the shed light on the impacts of the ongoing war.   $20,000
Under the Spire Under the Spire 2025 Community Events To support the creation of unique and meaningful art and culture experiences, namely Pride and Acadian Ceilidhs, for residents and visitors of PEI. $6,000
UPEI - Experiential Education Department Work-Integrated Learning Bursary To provide more equitable support to UPEI students engaging in work-integrated learning programming by contributing matching funds for international students where opportunities are currently only available to domestic students. $60,000
UPEI Sexual Violence Prevention & Response Office Student-Led Culture Shift To create a student-led committee to center the voices of marginalized students and provide direct input to UPEI Sexual Violence Prevention & Response Office on how to create a safer campus community.  $13,725
Watermark Theatre The Waltz by Marie Beath Badian To support part of Watermark Theatre’s multiyear initiative to produce plays by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) playwrights. $18,250


General Inquiries

Economic and Population Growth
176 Great George Street
Charlottetown, PE C1A 4K7
Phone: 902-368-5540
Fax: 902-894-0342
