About: Environment, Energy and Climate Action

The Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action takes action to safeguard the environment and protect the province’s air, land and water resources. The department is also responsible for conservation, sustainable management and wise use of our forests, fish and wildlife resources.

Some of the priorities include:

  • Achieving Net Zero by 2040 by reducing emissions, switching to cleaner sources of energy, and pursuing innovation and transformational change
  • Implementing carbon mitigation and adaptation plans to address the effects of climate change 
  • Supporting the protection and responsible use of our water resources

Structure and Employees

Acadian and Francophone Affairs Secretariat

The Acadian and Francophone Affairs section coordinates and promotes the activities of the Prince Edward Island government within the provincial, Canadian, and international Francophonie. The section also negotiates French language services agreements with the Government of Canada, and ensures implementation of the Agreement on the Promotion of French language services.

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Energy and Minerals

The Energy and Minerals Unit is responsible for the development, implementation and administration of energy policies and programs, and the administration of mineral resources development. The unit will also support gas exploration initiatives undertaken on Prince Edward Island.

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Environment Regulatory

Environment Regulatory runs a wide range of programs, services and activities that protect our environment as well as public health and safety.

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Drinking Water and Wastewater Management

The Drinking Water and Wastewater Management section provides regulatory oversight for the construction and operation of central water supply and wastewater collection and treatment in the province, including as key components, the approval of water and wastewater system construction and up-grades, certification of system operators, monitoring of system performance and related compliance activities. In addition, the section provides interpretation and advice relating to private water well quality sampling activities.

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Environmental Land Management

The Environmental Land Management section oversees a wide variety of administrative responsibilities under the Environmental Protection Act and its associated regulations.  The scope of these responsibilities include environmental impact assessments, watercourse and wetland alteration approvals, petroleum/pollution prevention activities, contaminated site management, environmental record reviews, and the approval of excavation pits and recycling facilities.

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PEI Analytical Laboratories

PEI Analytical Laboratories is a full service laboratory that offers a variety of testing services. The major focus at PEI Analytical Laboratories is agricultural and environmental testing. This includes dairy, feed, water, compost, manure, plant tissue, seed and soil samples.  PEI Analytical Laboratories is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada to the international standard for general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, ISO/IEC 17025:2005.

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Waste Reduction, Recovery and Recycling

This Section provides direction and management advice for programs that support waste reduction objectives to help: reduce the amount of waste generated in communities, recycle materials not already collected through an Island-wide recycling program, increase awareness about of the importance of reducing waste, and encourage environmental stewardship of waste resources.  Additional responsibilities for this section include the Beverage Containers Program and extended producer responsibility (EPR) programs to reduce solid waste and increase the recyclability of products diverted from the Island’s waste stream.

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Water and Air Monitoring

The Watershed and Subdivision Planning section provides regulatory oversight for water wells, administers the Watershed Management Fund, monitors Island water resources and assessments of the impact of resource use and contaminants. The section provides technical support to watershed groups and advice to the public on water quality and quantity issues. It also assesses and approves subdivisions in areas of the province without official plans and bylaws. The section coordinates the Alternative Land Use Services program in partnership with the Dept. of Agriculture and Land.

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Finance and Corporate Services
Forests, Fish and Wildlife

Forests, Fish and Wildlife is a division of the P.E.I. Department of Environment, Water and Climate Change. 

What services does the Forests, Fish and Wildlife division provide?

  • managing public forest lands
  • assisting private forest owners
  • producing Acadian Forest tree and shrub species for planting programs
  • licensing anglers, hunters and trappers
  • training for firearms safety, hunter safety and trapper education
  • offering wildlife management programs and services
  • collecting data and mapping Island forests, and
  • overseeing wildfire suppression on P.E.I.
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Field Services

The Field Services program provides technical advice and financial assistance to Island land owners who want to manage their forest lands for any number of goals and values through the Forest Enhancement Program. 

Public lands such as Provincial Forests and Wildlife Management areas are managed through Field Services to address a variety of public benefits. These benefits include but are not limited to the conservation of wildlife habitats, production of high value forest products, creation of places for outdoor recreation and the establishment of long term forest research.

Field Services also coordinates wildfire suppression programs across PEI. 

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Fish and Wildlife

The Fish and Wildlife section issues hunting, trapping and fishing licences and conducts training courses for trappers, firearms users and hunters. Staff work to conserve Natural Areas, Wildlife Management Areas and ponds and wetlands, conduct wildlife surveys and studies, manage freshwater fisheries and species at risk programs and provide information on Island wildlife to the public, wildlife user groups and national agencies.

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Production Development

The Production Development section works to improve the quality and growth of selected tree species through intensive selection and breeding programs at the J. Frank Gaudet Tree Nursery in West Royalty. Tree and shrub seedlings are produced for reforestation programs on private and provincial forest lands, landscaping projects and watershed enhancement. Insect and Disease analysis and research is also conducted by nursery staff.

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Provincial Forest

The Provincial Forests section is responsible for the sustainable management of 18,700 ha of publicly owned forest. This is done through monitoring of the growth and health of the Provincial Forest, modeling of forest management options, delivery of forest management treatments to achieve multiple benefits from the forest through tenders or Provincial Forest section crews, building partnerships with community groups, and periodic public consultations. In addition, the Section provides leadership in forest fire management for all lands, manages provincial forests, delivers forest education and technical information programs for youth and the general public, and provides public access to maps at the district offices.

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Resource Inventory and Modelling

The Resource Inventory and Modeling program provides inventory and mapping support for the agriculture and forestry community. This involves the acquisition of aerial photography, the production of land use and land cover mapping products, and the establishment and measurement of forest management plots. Other activities included monitoring forest growth and conducting special forestry projects.

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Minister's Office
PEI Energy Corporation

The PEI Energy Corporation promotes the development of energy systems and the production and distribution of energy, in all its forms, across the province.

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The Sustainability Division is responsible for developing and coordinating PEI’s Path Towards Net Zero. The division includes the Office of Net Zero and efficiencyPEI. 

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Climate Adaptation
Office of Net Zero

Agencies, Boards and Commissions

Minister's Office
Deputy Minister
Executive Admin Assistant to the Minister and Deputy Minister
Senior Communications Officer
Bilingual Senior Communications Officer, Acadian and Francophone Affairs

General Inquiries

Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action
4th Floor, Jones Building
11 Kent Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-5044
Toll-free: 1-866-368-5044
Fax: 902-368-5830
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