Environment, Energy and Climate Action Mandate Letter

Honourable Steven Myers

Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Action
4th Floor Jones
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Dear Minister Myers,

I am pleased to have you serve as the Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Action

On April 3, 2023, we were given a mandate by Islanders to continue to work towards building a brighter, bolder, and better future for our province.  We made a commitment to work with Islanders, and for Islanders – and that motto should be the basis of how you conduct yourself in your actions as Minister.  We must engage Islanders, have real conversations, and put the interest of Islanders at the heart of every decision we make as a government.

Over the last four years we have proven to Islanders that we can navigate many challenges.  We must continue to show courage, strength and above all else, leadership when it comes to the challenges we are faced with.   Change is sometimes difficult, but with your proven ability to stand up and meet challenges head-on, I’m confident that you will make the best decisions to move our province forward.  

Our government has always led with positivity and has served with humility and kindness.  I expect this to continue in our second mandate.   We have shifted the political landscape in PEI to be more collaborative in nature.  I have always said, it doesn’t matter where good ideas come from – if it’s a good idea, and it improves the lives of Islanders – we should consider it.   I want you to have regular communication with your legislative colleagues on all sides of the Legislature to provide opportunities for input and feedback.

As Minister, you and your leadership team will play a critical role in contributing to the commitments we have made to Islanders.  You are responsible for the conduct of the department you oversee and must be aware and adhere to the values of the public service in your interactions with the Islanders and the public service.  Most importantly, you have Cabinet Colleagues that serve alongside of you; whenever and wherever possible, you should work collaboratively with them to break down silos and reduce barriers to accessing services by working together across Departments.  

As Minister of Environment, Energy & Climate Action, you will:

  • Work with the UPEI School of Climate Change and Adaptation to create a 25-year coastal management plan;
  • Increase setback requirements in sensitive areas, including shorelines;
  • Launch a Community Energy Initiative by working with local non-profit and community organizations to have local ownership of renewable energy initiatives such as windmills, solar projects, and biomass, where profits go directly back to local communities;
  • Implement all recommendations from the Emergency Forestry Task Force and work with the newly formed Forestry Commission to help them review and make recommendations for Provincial forestry policy, programs and legislation;
  • Continue to develop an Energy Blueprint for our province;
  • Working with utility providers, ensure proper preventative measures are in place to reduce power outages and build capacity to increase restoration efforts when power outages do occur;
  • Increase nursery tree production by 30% to 1,300,000 trees per year;
  • Become Canada’s most EV-friendly province in Canada by expanding the charging network across the province, especially in rural communities;
  • Increase funding to expand the PEI Watershed Alliance to ensure in-shore fisheries are protected, waterways are kept clean, and trees are planted;
  • Stabilize funding to The PEI Wildlife Conservation Fund to ensure they can continue to work with grant applicants to educate, protect wildlife and their habitats, and accompanying research efforts required to do so;
  • Build electrical grid resilience, in partnership with the federal government, through on-Island generation and storage, and assess the viability of burying power lines to protect the power supply during weather events;
  • Create a pilot fora green on-Island generation project;
  • Establish a generator power network to ensure essential services and critical infrastructure can continue during significant disruption periods;
  • Expand the Free Heat Pump program to include up to $100,000 household income by 2024;
  • Working with the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure and the Minister of Education and Early Years, introduce Solar for Schools to increase renewable energy and provide an opportunity for learning about renewable energy and clean technologies;
  • Continue to develop the Clean Tech Park in Georgetown as a state of the art facility to foster innovation, learning and economic prosperity;
  • Working collaboratively with stakeholders and the PEI Bio Alliance, establish the Clean Tech sector on PEI as an emerging industry; and
  • Working with the Minister of Economic Development, Innovation and Trade, lead business attraction efforts to build the Clean Tech sector on Prince Edward Island;

While you accomplish your work, I ask that you assess the impacts of each policy decision by using evidence-based tools and frameworks to ensure we always consider the impacts on climate, gender, diversity, and vulnerable individuals before implementing a decision.  

As we progress through our mandate, we will work together to identify further refinement and priorities of focus.  We must be nimble as a government and be able to adapt to the realities of what Islanders are facing each and every day.   To do this, I ask that you have regular outreach with key stakeholders connected to your department and the work that your department does.  Along with the leadership in your department, I ask that you regularly communicate with stakeholders and community organizations.  

I look forward to working with you to improve the lives of all Islanders.


Hon. Dennis King
Premier of Prince Edward Island
CC.    Norbert Carpenter, Deputy Minister – Environment, Energy and Climate Action

Published date: 
August 8, 2023
Environment, Energy and Climate Action

General Inquiries

Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action
4th Floor, Jones Building
11 Kent Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-5044
Toll-free: 1-866-368-5044
Fax: 902-368-5830
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