
Feedback wanted on upcoming legislative changes

The Province is inviting members of the public and stakeholder groups to share their opinions on changes to provincial laws in PEI. 

As the Department of Justice and Public Safety continues to regularly modernize provincial legislation, consultation documents for the following pieces of legislation are now posted: Department of Justice and Public Safety Public Consultations:

  1. An Act to Amend the Judicature Act
  2. The Survivorship Act
  3. The Trustee Act
  4. The Power of Attorney and Personal Directives Regulations

“As we continue to focus on beneficial changes to our provincial laws, we want to provide Island residents the chance to share their perspectives and help guide the work our department does. Public consultation plays an important part in creating clear, effective and modern legislation that will serve our province.”

- Justice and Public Safety Minister and Attorney General Bloyce Thompson

Comments in English or French for all documents can be submitted online to justicepolicy@gov.pe.ca.

Comments will be accepted on the Power of Attorney and Personal Directives Regulations until July 31st and the remaining documents will be open for consultation until August 31st, 2024.

Media contact:
Kip Ready
Department of Justice and Public Safety

General Inquiries

Justice Policy Section
4th Floor, Shaw Building (South)
95 Rochford Street
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8
