
Liquor Control Commission supports Paper Hearts campaign

During Heart Month in February, the PEI Liquor Control Commission (PEILCC) will again show its heart by partnering with Heart & Stroke in support of their Paper Hearts campaign. Running in all corporate retail liquor outlets in PEI, the annual fundraiser will invite customers to purchase a $2 paper heart from February 1 through to February 28.

“We are pleased to welcome the PEI Liquor Control Commission back for the seventh year and are grateful for their outstanding support.” said Crystal Cobb, Heart & Stroke PEI Community Fund Development coordinator. “Monies raised at their 17 stores goes a long way toward reducing the toll exacted by heart disease and stroke on PEI families.”

Every paper heart purchased at a PEILCC corporate retail outlet will be displayed in-store to recognize and showcase the support of the local community. To date, the PEILCC Paper Hearts promotion has raised more than $50,000.

“I’m very pleased the PEILCC will be taking part in this successful campaign again this year,” said Honourable Heath MacDonald, minister responsible for the PEI Liquor Control Commission. “I encourage Islanders to participate and support the Heart and Stroke Foundation in their life-saving work against heart disease and stroke.”

“Over the six-plus decades that Heart & Stroke has been funding research, deaths from heart disease and stroke have declined by more than 75 per cent,” Cobb said.  “But we now face new challenges: nine in 10 of us have at least one risk factor for these diseases, and rates of overweight and obesity are at alarming all-time highs. Every dollar raised goes to support critical breakthroughs in the prevention and treatment of heart disease and stroke as well as programs and tools to help Islanders and all Canadians reduce their risk.”

About The PEI Liquor Control Commission
The Prince Edward Island Liquor Control Commission (PEILCC) is a crown corporation responsible for the administration of the PEI Liquor Control Act and Regulations, along with the purchase, control, and sale of all beverage alcohol in the province.

About the Heart and Stroke Foundation:
Life. We don’t want you to miss it. That’s why Heart and Stroke leads the fight against heart disease and stroke. We must generate the next medical breakthroughs, so Canadians don’t miss out on precious moments. Together, we are working to prevent disease, save lives and promote recovery through research, health promotion and public policy.   


Media Contacts

Jamie MacLeod
Director of Corporate Services
PEI Liquor Control Commission 902 368-5714

Sharon Hollingsworth
Communications Manager
Heart & Stroke, PEI 902 334-1128

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