Province offers workshop for new hunters

Island residents are invited to register for the annual provincial hunting workshop to learn more about safety while hunting.
Taking place Saturday, September 7 from 8:30 a.m.- 2 p.m. at the Charlottetown Trap & Skeet Club in Mount Albion, the free workshop is open to all ages.
During the event, participants will rotate through stations learning about firearm safety, wildlife conservation, hunting regulations and enforcement, map and compass use, and waterfowl hunting techniques. Following this, participants can take part in an hour of instructional skeet shooting.
The workshop is hosted by the Forests, Fish and Wildlife, in partnership with Delta Waterfowl, Ducks Unlimited, Wildlife Conservation Fund and The Charlottetown Trap & Skeet Club. Participants who complete this workshop, along with the online portion of the Hunter Safety Course, receive hunter certification and a PEI Wildlife Conservation license.
Preregistration is required, and the workshop has a maximum capacity of 90 participants. To register, and for more information, call 902-368-4683. Registrants are asked to check-in at 8 a.m. the day of the workshop at The Charlottetown Trap & Skeet Club.
New for this year, hunters will be able to hunt on Sundays. This follows changes to the Wildlife Conservation Act passed in the provincial legislature this Spring.
“Islanders lead busy lives, but it is important to make time for outdoor activities and recreation. Our new Sunday hunting rules allow for more time outside and bring PEI in line with the other provinces and territories who all have some form of Sunday hunting. Duck and goose populations are healthy, thanks in part to decades of conservation efforts from hunters. There is no greater advocate for sustainability than those who spend time enjoying our natural resources.”
- Environment, Energy and Climate Action Minister Steven Myers
Media contact:
Katie Cudmore
Environment, Energy and Climate Action