Dingwell Mills- Structure Replacement and Road Resurfacing

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Numéro d’appel d’offres: 
Date de publication: 
vendredi 18 Juin 2021
Date de fermeture: 
jeudi 8 Juillet 2021, 14 h 00
Type d’appel d’offres: 
Avis d’appel d’offres (AAO)
Type d’entente: 
Appel d’offres ouvert (AOO)
Valeur estimative: 
Non déterminée
Catégorie d’appel d’offres
Matériaux de construction

The scope of this work includes, but is not necessarily limited to the following: the supply of all labour, equipment, and materials necessary to completely replace the existing bridge structure with a new bridge structure. The work on this project shall consist of but not limited to:   excavation, slope protection, environmental controls; asphalt excavation; cold plane and stockpile asphalt; stream containment; demolition and removal of existing structure; pipe structure supply and placement; rip rap; road work complete with asphalt paving; concrete curb; and all other ancillaries required to completely install the structure to the satisfaction of the Owner. 

Transports et Infrastructure
Personne-ressource pour l’approvisionnement
Neil Lawless
Document de la demande de prix: