Cornwall Wastewater System Upgrades – Phase 2 (North River Treatment Facility Aeration Upgrades)

Le contenu suivant est seulement disponible en anglais.
Numéro d’appel d’offres: 
Date de publication: 
lundi 19 Avril 2021
Date de fermeture: 
mercredi 5 Mai 2021, 13 h 00
Type d’appel d’offres: 
Demande de propositions (DDP)
Valeur estimative: 
Non déterminée

The project consists of the removal and replacement of the aeration system at the North River Wastewater Treatment Facility. The project also involves the replacement of a heat recovery unit in the UV building at the lagoon.

Tenders to be dropped off at Town Office, 39 Lowther Drive, Cornwall, PEI, until 1:00PM on Wednesday, May 5th, 2021.

It is requested that bidders email once the documents have been downloaded in order for WSP to have a list of potential bidders.
Hard copies can be provided by WSP for a non-refundable amount of $100.00 per set. Cheque made payable to “Town of Cornwall”.

Town of Cornwall

Personne-ressource de l’organisme:

Gail DesRoches - WSP Canada Inc. – 195 MacEwen Road, Summerside, PE C1N 5Y4
(902) 436-2669
Document de la demande de prix: