Forests Worth Knowing - Connecting Island Teachers with Maritime Forests

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What is the Forests Worth Knowing program?

Forests Worth Knowing is a professional development opportunity designed for Island teachers. It is organized by the Canadian Woodlands Forum in partnership with forest professionals from industry, government and academic organizations across the Maritimes.

What are tour's concepts and themes?

The annual summer tour tries to connect forests with many different aspects of the curriculum in order to help teachers gain insights and understanding of concepts that can be used in the classroom and also in their personal lives. Program themes cover a wide range of social, economic and environmental topics including: 

  • Forest Functions: Exploring tree identification and forest ecosystems, soils, wildlife and other natural forest functions.​
  • Science and technologies: Examining how a broad range of sciences and technologies are integrated into the daily management, harvest and conservation of Maritime forests. 
  • Forest communities: Looking at the historical and current economic importance of forests to people and communities across the region. 
  • Forest Products: Understanding how products such as lumber, paper, maple syrup and Christmas trees are made and roles they play in local, regional and global marketplaces. 
  • Forest Careers: Exploring the incredible range of well paying, exciting careers available to young people in Atlantic Canada's forest sector and the education requirements for these careers. 

Much much does the tour cost?

There is no cost for participating teachers. Program sponsors cover all tour-related travel, accommodation and meal costs.  

When does the tour occur?

The tour is normally held during the 2nd full week of August.

August was selected because many teachers are beginning to plan their return to the classroom and because late summer offers pleasant weather, few biting insects and good walking conditions.

Who is eligible to participate?

The Forests Worth Knowing teachers tour program is open to K-12 teachers on PEI. Organizers may also consider applications from:

  • Education program students who are about to enter the teaching profession.
  • Post secondary educators if the courses they teach match the goals and themes of the program.

While all subject areas are considered, priority is given to educators who deal with:

  • sciences
  • mathematics
  • social sciences
  • economics and business
  • career guidance and counselling

Where can I apply or get more information?

Visit us on Facebook at Forests Worth Knowing, or at the Canadian Woodlands Forum site -  Forests Worth Knowing: Atlantic Teachers Tour program.



Date de publication : 
le 3 Juillet 2019
Environnement, Énergie et Action climatique

Renseignements généraux

Division des forêts, de la pêche et de la faune
Pépinière J. Frank Gaudet 
183, chemin Upton
C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.)  C1A 7N8

Téléphone : 902-368-6450

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