15-501 - Exemptions of Certain Contracts Issued by Insurance Companies from PEI Securities Laws

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Securities Act
R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap-S-3.1

Document Type: Local Rule
Document No: 15-501
Subject: Exemption of Certain Contracts Issued by Insurance Companies from Prince Edward Island Securities Laws
Effective Date: March 17, 2008

Local Rule 15-501 Exemption of Certain Contracts Issued by Insurance Companies from Prince Edward Island Securities Laws

Part 1 Definitions

1.1 In this Rule:
“Act” means the Securities Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap-S-3.1;
“insurance contract” means
(a) a security as defined in subclause 1(bbb)(v) of the Act that is a contract issued by an insurance company which provides for payment at maturity of an amount not less than three quarters of the premiums paid by the purchaser for a benefit payable at maturity;
(b) a security as defined in subclause 1(bbb)(x) of the Act that is an income or annuity contract issued by an insurance company.

Part 2 Exemption

2.1 An insurance contract is exempt from all and any provision of Prince Edward Island securities laws, with the exception of this Rule.

Part 3 Effective Date

3.1 This Rule comes into force on March 17, 2008.

Date de publication : 
le 7 Juillet 2017
Justice et de la Sécurité publique

Renseignements généraux

Division des services financiers et aux consommateurs
Ministère de la Justice et de la Sécurité publique
Immeuble Shaw (nord), 1er étage
105, rue Rochford
C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Île-du-Prince-Édouard)  C1A 7N8

Téléphone: (902) 368-4550
Télécopieur: (902) 368-5283
