Industrial Relations

Le contenu suivant est seulement disponible en anglais.

The Industrial Relations Branch is responsible for providing a variety of services to the unionized workforce of Prince Edward Island. In meeting this objective the branch provides the following services:

  • responds to applications for conciliation and mediation services upon request from labour and/or management when there is an impasse in negotiation; 
  • averts work stoppages through third party assistance; 
  • works with the parties in resolving work stoppages; 
  • assists in the development of sound labour/management relations; 
  • assists organizations in establishing a labour/management committee in the workplace. 

Who can I contact for more information?

Sherwood Business Centre
161 St. Peters Road, 2nd Floor 
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE
C1A 7N8
Telephone: (902) 368-5550
Toll Free: 1-800-333-4362
Fax: (902) 368-5476

Date de publication : 
le 6 Juin 2024
Main‑d'oeuvre, Études supérieures et Population

Renseignements généraux

Relations de travail et relations industrielles
2e étage, Sherwood Business Centre, bureau 230
161, chemin St. Peters
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.)  C1A 5P7

Téléphone : 902-368-5550
Numéro Sans frais: 1-800-333-4362
Télécopieur : 902-368-5476