
Early Issue of Family and Human Services November payments

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Supporting Island families -

Social Assistance and Child and Family Services clients who receive regular monthly payments from the Department of Family and Human services will be issued program payments on Wednesday, November 28 by cheque and Electronic Funds Transfer.  Although Canada Post workers are back at work, these early payments will avoid delays resulting from the recent mail service disruption.  

Clients are encouraged to sign up for Electronic Funds Transfer.  Forms are available at Family and Human Services’ offices.

Clients requiring additional information should contact their case worker. 

Media contact:
Bobbi Jo Walker

Renseignements généraux

Ministère du Développement social et des Aînés
Immeuble Jones, 2e étage
11, rue Kent
C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7N8

Téléphone : 902-620-3777
Sans frais : 1-866-594-3777
Télécopieur : 902-894-0242
