Health PEI board is natural fit after long nursing career
Dr. Rosemary Herbert of Charlottetown was looking for ways to continue contributing to her community after a long and distinguished nursing career. “I have 39 years of experience in nursing and health education and I wanted to help out and give back,” she said.
When the calls from Engage PEI came for Islanders willing to serve on government agencies and boards came, she knew exactly where she would fit, on the board for Health PEI.
For almost four decades Herbert worked in a variety of positions, including as a staff nurse, assistant head nurse and head nurse at the PEI Hospital and Queen Elizabeth Hospital. She also served as faculty member at the PEI School of Nursing; assistant and associate professor at the PEI School of Nursing; vice-president of Academic Development (acting) as well as dean of nursing for the University of Prince Edward Island.
Since her retirement from UPEI last year, she has hardly slowed down. When she isn’t hiking or cycling the Island’s extensive trail system or spending time at her Stanley Bridge cottage, she is busy volunteering as president of Farmers Helping Farmers, as chair of the Research Committee for Chances, and on the board of the Lucy Maud Montgomery Institute.
“I love to be involved in community organizations and to help promote and improve the health of Islanders,” she said. “And I find it very enjoyable, getting things accomplished with a group of people.”
Herbert’s goal with the Health PEI board is to contribute to improving the overall health status of Islanders.
“We are working on a strategic plan, and are setting priorities, and we will have measurable outcomes,” she said. It is a privilege to serve this way, it is very interesting and very worthwhile.”
Dr. Herbert earned her PhD at McGill University and her Master of Nursing and Bachelor of Nursing degrees at Dalhousie University. Dr. Herbert was an active researcher leading a wide range of research projects throughout her career.
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