
Proposed Budget 2017 investments to boost funding for early learning and child care

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For too many families, the lack of affordable, high-quality child care means making a difficult choice. Some parents have to sacrifice retirement savings to pay for child care, while others may leave their career because child care is unavailable or unaffordable.

Recognizing the deep connection between child care and the economic security of families, the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, was in Charlottetown on behalf of the Honourable Jean Yves Duclos, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, today to highlight Budget 2017 investments in early learning and child care that will help Canadian children get the best start in life and support Canadian families who need it most.

To this end, Budget 2017 proposes to invest $7 billion over 10 years, starting in 2018–19, to support and create more high-quality, flexible, fully inclusive and affordable child care spaces across the country. A portion of this investment will be dedicated to improving access to culturally appropriate early learning and child care programs for Indigenous children living on and off reserve. Over the next three years, these investments could:

• increase the number of affordable child care spaces for low- and modest-income families by supporting up to 40,000 new subsidized child care spaces; and

• make it more affordable for parents to return to work, with thousands of parents more likely to enter the labour force once child care is made more affordable.

Of this investment, $95 million will also go towards closing data gaps to better understand what child care looks like in Canada and track progress and $100 million for Early Learning and Child Care Innovation. These investments are in addition to the initial investment of $500 million in Budget 2016 for early learning and child care, including $100 million for Indigenous early learning and child care.

In the coming months, the Government will work in close collaboration with provinces and territories to finalize a federal, provincial and territorial Multilateral Framework on Early Learning and Child Care. The Framework will focus on best practices and new and innovative approaches to better serve families and help to improve outcomes for children. We will also work with provinces and territories, as well as other key experts, to improve data collection to expand our knowledge and research in early learning and child care. This will ensure better policy and evidence-based decision-making in the future.

Working with Indigenous partners, the Government will also co-develop a distinct Indigenous Framework on Early Learning and Child Care that will reflect the unique cultures and needs of First Nations, Inuit and Métis children and families across Canada.


“Too many Canadian families are struggling to have access to affordable, high-quality and fully inclusive child care. That is why families are at the centre of our government’s Budget 2017 child care investments. We are providing this money to provinces and territories to help them deliver child care services that will improve the lives of Canadian children and families.”
– The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development

“Budget 2017 is the next step in the Government’s long-term plan to create jobs and strengthen the middle class and those working hard to join it. Through our budget, we are increasing support for early learning and child care, so that more Canadian parents can pursue new opportunities to learn and to work. With stronger skills and more work experience under their belts, families can focus on what matters most—building a better future for themselves and for their children.”
– The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

"We welcome this new investment by the federal government in Island children and families. The new funding will support working families and positively impact our children's development and future well-being." 
– Honourable Doug Currie, Minister of Education, Early Learning and Culture, Prince Edward Island

Quick Facts

• Only one in four children in Canada has access to regulated child care.

• Intervening early to promote child development from the prenatal period to age six can have long-term benefits that can extend throughout children’s lives.

• Research shows that there are positive relationships between quality early learning and child care, parental labour market participation and child development outcomes. This is particularly true for vulnerable children.

• An 11-percent increase in children aged 0 to 4 between 2006 and 2011 suggests growing demand for child care

• Of children aged 0 to 5, 24.1 percent have access to regulated early leaning and child care.

Media main contact:
Émilie Gauduchon-Campbell
Press Secretary
Office of the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Families, Children and Social Development

General Enquiries
Media Relations Office
Employment and Social Development Canada

Renseignements généraux

Ministère de l’Éducation et de la Petite enfance
Centre Holman
250, rue Water, bureau 101
Summerside (Î.-P.-É.) C1N 1B6

Téléphone : 902-438-4130
Télécopieur : 902-438-4062
