Provincial student assessment results now available online
The 2018 student assessment results are now available online and results are going home with students this week.
The assessments are written each year by students in grades 3, 6, 9 and 11.
The 2018 results show that while math results continue to improve, students need more help in primary writing and elementary reading.
The assessment results are used to improve teaching and learning in several ways:
• The results inform parents of their child’s performance at key stages of learning.
• Schools use the data to develop school goals and priorities.
• The department uses the results to guide curriculum and instruction.
“Provincial assessments indicate how well students are meeting provincial curriculum outcomes, and this information is used to make improvements that help students succeed,” said Education, Early Learning and Culture Minister Jordan Brown. “I encourage parents to talk to their child’s teacher about their child’s results and how they can support learning at home. Working together, parents and teachers can help students reach their full potential.”
An external review of the provincial assessment program is being conducted to ensure the program stays current and reflects the overall needs of Island learners.
The 2018 results are available at
Media contact:
Jean Doherty
Education, Early Learning and Culture
902 314 5702