Conseil des relations de travail
The Labour Relations Board (LRB) is an independent adjudicative body responsible for the application and interpretation of PEI Labour Act. The Board receives applications from employees, employers, unions and the labour/management community on a variety...
A jurisdictional dispute means a dispute between trade unions or between unions and employer over the assignment of work. Where the parties themselves are unable to settle the dispute, either party may make a complaint to the Labour Relations Board...
Prince Edward Island Labour Relations Board decisions are now available on line in a searchable format. Note: Do not use abbreviations i.e. Canadian Union of Public Employees as opposed to CUPE; Application as opposed to App . For a list of all...
Both printable and fillable versions of the following Labour Relations Board forms are now available.
Application for Accreditation (Form 14) (97.9 kb)
Application for Amendment of Certification Order (Form 6) (11.6 kb)
Application for...
The certification system allows employees to decide in a democratic way whether or not they wish to be represented by a trade union. A board-issued certificate gives a trade union bargaining rights on behalf of a group of employees. Similar procedures...