Énergie éolienne
The PEI Energy Corporation develops and promotes the development of energy systems and the generation, production, transmission and distribution of energy in all its forms on an economic and efficient basis, to provide financial assistance for the...
The East Point Wind Farm has 10 Vestas V-90 turbines with a capacity of three megawatts (MW) each that generate an average of 90 Gigawatt (GW) hours annually. The average house in Prince Edward Island uses about 8,000 kilowatt hours of electricity...
Where does the energy from this wind farm go?
The power from the Wind Farm is sold to Maritime Electric for use by PEI customers only.
Construction of the Wind Farm
The Hermanville/Clearspring site was constructed after environmental and regulatory...
Where does the energy from this wind farm go?
All electricity from the North Cape Wind Farm is transmitted to Maritime Electric’s substation in Huntley, PEI. From the Huntley substation, Maritime Electric distributes the electricity to Island customers...
The Government of Prince Edward Island 10-year energy strategy to reduce energy use, establish cleaner and locally produced energy sources and moderate future energy price increases.
Renewable energy helps keep energy prices low for Islanders and reduces Prince Edward Island’s need for energy from outside the province. PEI has no local sources of oil, natural gas, or other fuels for traditional forms of electricity. Renewable energy...
Prince Edward Island is one of the global leaders in the development of renewable energy.
The six gauges presented below represent the total PEI electrical load, total on-Island generation (from wind, solar and fossil fuels), and the breakdown of how...