Marine Fisheries
What is FPT and industry relations?
The department works diligently to advocate on behalf of our province’s commercial fishing industry at the federal/ provincial and territorial level to ensure that the interests of our province are represented and...
What is Inspection Services?
Inspection Services provides advice and assistance to clients regarding maintenance of fish quality and production of quality seafood products. The section administers regulations under:
Prince Edward Island Fisheries...
What is the Lobster Resource Monitoring Program?
The Lobster Resource Monitoring Program (LRMP) is a collaboration between the PEIFA, Department of Fisheries & Oceans and the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries to :
Collect from fishermen...
What is dead marine and mammal removal and disposal?
Removal and/or disposal of dead marine mammals (seals, dolphins, and whales) and large fish (sharks and tuna) that wash up on the Prince Edward Island shoreline is the responsibility of the Seafood...
Si vous êtes un nouveau pêcheur de homard de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard ou si vous travaillez à acquérir une flotte de pêche au homard, vous pourriez être admissible à du soutien dans le cadre du Programme pour futurs pêcheurs. Ce programme offre de la...
The department supports science based fishery management measures and values opportunities to collaborate with all levels of government and industry stakeholders to conduct science and research related to the main commercial species landed in Prince...