Remboursement de prêt étudiant
You must begin to repay the federal portion of your student loan six months after the last date you attended school on a full-time basis. The first six months after your last day of full-time study is referred to as your “non-repayment period” or “grace...
Island students completing a medical residency can apply to stop paying their PEI provincial student loan. If approved, their balance will be set to “non-repayment” status until they complete their residency program. The federal portion of your student...
The PEI Student Loan Rehabilitation Program provides you with a six-month payment schedule as a way to bring your defaulted PEI Student Loan back into good standing. Once you complete the plan, your loan will be transferred back to Edulinx PEI, where you...
Le gouvernement de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard s’emploie à réduire les obstacles financiers que rencontrent les étudiantes et étudiants insulaires dans leurs études postsecondaires. Le Programme de bourse pour réduction de dette aide les personnes diplômées...
You must begin to repay the Provincial portion of your student loan twelve months after the last date you attended school on a full-time basis. The twelve months after your last day of full-time study is referred to as your “non-repayment period” or “...
If you have a severe permanent disability that prevents you from participating in post-secondary studies and the labour force for the rest of your life, you may be able to have your student loans cancelled through the Severe Permanent Disability Benefit...