Services cadastraux
The rules for creating, operating and managing a condominium (condo) corporation in Prince Edward Island, including a vacant land condominium, are governed by the Condominium Act and Condominium Act Regulations (condominium legislation). The members of...
What Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data is available?
The following GIS data is available:
Prince Edward Island Basemap Layer
Civic Address Data
An on-line Civic Address Locator is also available.
It must be noted that civic...
This section provides information on payment options available to Geolinc users.
What payment options are available to GeoLinc Users?
Online with Credit Card:
GeoLinc Plus subscriptions can now be renewed online using a credit card. This is the...
GeoLinc Plus est un système en ligne qui permet d’accéder à l’information relative à l’évaluation, aux taxes, au registre et à la cartographie des propriétés pour n’importe quelle parcelle de terre à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard par l’entremise d’Internet....
The Municipal Assessment and Tax Information (MATI) online tool provides Prince Edward Island Municipal Administrators with up-to-date assessment and tax information.
Assessment and tax information is provided through four sections:
Le Programme de toponymie de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard permet au public et au gouvernement de nommer ou de renommer un lieu dans la province, ou de modifier le territoire désigné par un nom de lieu existant. Dans du cadre du programme, il est possible de...
This section provides information on the public registry of property ownership documents including legislative authority, registry offices and registration rates.
What is the Registry of Deeds?
Under the authority of the Registry Act, the Registrar of...