Sports, loisirs et vie active
What is the Amateur Sport Funding Program?
The Amateur Sport Funding Program provides funding to provincial sport organizations for activities that support the objectives of the Department of Fisheries, Tourism, Sport and Culture (Division of Sport,...
Can I access resources through the Community Leadership Program?
The Community Leadership Support Program provides sport, recreation, physical activity, and healthy living services to rural Prince Edward Island based on the three designated regional...
What is the Elite Athlete Assistance Program?
The Elite Athlete Assistance Program provides funding to Prince Edward Island athletes who have:
achieved success at the national and/or international level of competition;
been identified by a national...
What is the Sport Hosting Program?
The sport hosting program provides grants to organizations hosting International, National, and Inter-Provincial /Territorial sports events as well as select signature sport events that advance the vision and...
The Small Grants Program is intended to encourage and support organizations to look at new initiatives that will encourage greater sport participation and leadership in under-represented and marginalized populations. The program will encourage strategic...