PEI-Québec Student Exchange Program

If you are a Grade 10 student, or a Grade 9 student in certain schools, and want to improve your French language skills, you can apply for a six-month cultural/language exchange with a Francophone student from Québec. You will each live with your exchange family and attend high school classes for three months.
When will I be away from home?
You will attend school and live with your host francophone family in second semester, early February until end of April. You and your family will host the Francophone student in first semester, September to early December.
Am I eligible for the PEI-Québec Student Exchange Program?
You can apply for the student exchange program if you are in Grade 10, or Grade 9 in certain schools, are learning French, and have cooperative approval from your family. Only one student from a family may participate in a year. Your eligibility will be considered using the following selection criteria:
- academic performance
- current French speaking ability
- recommendation from both home and school
- level of interest and commitment from you and your family
- ability to accommodate an additional adolescent in your home for three months
- personal characteristics: adaptability, maturity, responsibility, tolerance, and good nature
- your health
- acceptance from the exchange family in Québec
How do I apply for the PEI-Québec Student Exchange Program?
- Express your interest at school (liaison teacher);
- Confirm parent/guardian approval and support;
- Return your completed application to your school (February);
- Your school will notify the exchange program coordinator;
Your application will be processed and, if approved, you will be interviewed (March or April); you will be notified of your acceptance in the language exchange program (May). The consultant will visit your home and family before you receive final acceptance. You will be expected to attend an orientation meeting for all participants and parents in August.
Participant Guide: PEI-Québec Six-Month Student Exchange Participant Guide
Application Form: PEI-Québec Exchange Application Form
School Participation Form: PEI-Québec Exchange School Participation Form
Is there a fee for the PEI-Québec Student Exchange Program?
- You must pay a $200 refundable deposit.
- The exchange program will cover the cost of return travel for you and a chaperone.
- The host family will absorb the cost for room and board as part of the exchange agreement.
What if I want to come home before the end of the program?
You will have to pay the travel cost if you return home before the end of the program, except in cases beyond your control.
How can I find out more about the PEI-Québec Student Exchange Program?
Fax: (902) 438-4884