Buying Cannabis on PEI
The Prince Edward Island Cannabis Management Corporation oversees the operation of four cannabis retail locations and an e-commerce platform.
These questions and answers are related to legal recreational cannabis.
Where can I buy legal cannabis?
There are five cannabis retail stores in Prince Edward Island located in O'Leary, Summerside, Charlottetown, Stratford and Montague.
How were the four locations chosen?
The locations were chosen based on population. The province will review sales in different areas of the province and plan for future expansion, if needed.
What safeguards are in place to ensure each location is safe?
Each location is a respectful distance from schools, has the necessary security elements and ventilation systems and meets all the requirements in the request for proposals.
Can I purchase cannabis online?
Yes, an online sales channel provides all PEI residents, age 19+, with a safe, secure, and convenient way to legally purchase cannabis products.
What measures are in place to protect against underage in-store purchases?
The retailer is responsible – as they are with sales of alcohol - to ensure that sales are only to people of legal age. Preventing cannabis sales to anyone under the legal purchasing age of 19, and/or to intoxicated people, is taken very seriously. All retail staff are well-trained in ID verification and responsible service.
Will those who require cannabis for medical purposes be able to purchase from PEI cannabis retail stores and online?
Medical users may choose to purchase recreational cannabis from PEI cannabis retail stores. The Government of Canada will continue to oversee the production and sale of medical cannabis. Under federal requirements, eligible persons could continue to access medical cannabis by purchasing directly from a federally licensed seller of cannabis for medical purposes.
To learn more, visit Health Canada-Procedures for accessing cannabis for medical purposes.
What are the rules about taking cannabis across borders?
When in Canada, you are subject to the personal possession limits of the province you are in. Cannabis is not legal in all countries, so it is important that you understand and obey the laws of any country you are visiting.
For questions about adult use of recreational cannabis and sales, contact:
PEI Cannabis
Phone: 902-368-5551