Community Service Bursary (CSB) - Volunteer Organizations


The Community Service Bursary program was created to assist students with their tuition for post-secondary education by volunteering in their community. Volunteering allows students to connect with their community and make it a better place. We are looking for non-profit organizations who can provide a valuable volunteer experience where students can learn transferable skills like interpersonal communication, leadership, time management, problem-solving, and delegation.

What are the criteria to become a registered volunteer organization with the Community Service Bursary Program?

Volunteer organizations must meet the following criteria to be eligible for registration:

  • Organizations should be able to provide volunteer work which offers students a chance to develop new skills and make meaningful contributions to the organization;
  • All organizations must be set up or registered as a non-profit;
  • The volunteer work should not displace paid employees in the organization;
  • The volunteer work should not be part of a student’s academic studies or related to school activities (The International Baccalaureate community service requirements do not qualify as volunteer work for this bursary);
  • The volunteer work should not take place during school hours; and
  • Students should not be a trainee or an associate of the organization.

What are the responsibilities of Volunteer Organizations?

  • They should encourage students to complete the online Student Registration Form before they begin volunteering;
  • They must agree to supervise each student’s work;
  • They must keep track of each student’s volunteer hours,
  • They must report each student’s volunteer hours to our office (students and parents cannot report their own volunteer hours).

Are there any limitations to be aware of?

  • Organizations are responsible to inform students about the commitment, obligations, and responsibilities involved with volunteering for their organization. Student Financial Services shall not be held liable for any accident or situation that might occur while the student is volunteering for an organization.

Member-only organizations are limited in what type of volunteer hours they can submit to the Community Service Bursary program. A member-only organization is an organization where the student volunteer is a member of the organization, such as Cadets, Churches, Youth Groups, Community Centres, etc. These organizations should not submit volunteer hours related to their core business operations. Instead, they should only submit volunteer hours for activities, events, or programs which occur outside of their core business operations. (For example, educational programs, coaching/mentoring, and charity work are examples of events which may occur outside of an organization’s core business operations.)

​​​​​What kind of volunteer work is eligible for the Community Service Bursary?

Acceptable volunteer activities would include the following examples (but are not limited to):

  • Coaching, tutoring, or mentoring children in sports, at a library, at a camp, or at an after-school program;
  • Labour assistance (packing, stocking, organizing, serving, or moving items for a food program, for special events, or for festivals);
  • Office assistance (filing, photocopying, typing, creating or editing social media);
  • Presenting to groups (guided tours);
  • Providing information and answering questions at an information desk;
  • Conservation (making trails, planting trees, beach clean-up, restore wildlife habitat, removing invasive species, carrying equipment, water collection);
  • Holding a youth position on a board or sitting on a youth council.

What kind of volunteer work is not acceptable?

  • Direct fund-raising activities (canvassing door to door);
  • Cleaning/janitorial duties;
  • Volunteering during school hours (for example, peer tutoring and library work must be done after school hours);
  • The International Baccalaureate community service requirements;
  • Volunteering related to academic studies (for example, part of a school class project);
  • Core operational duties for member-based organizations;
  • Volunteering hours at for-profit organizations;
  • Volunteering which displaces paid employees;
  • Volunteering as a trainee or an associate of the organization;
  • Volunteering for political organizations or elections;
  • Volunteering for organizations not registered with the Community Service Bursary program.

How does an Organization register?

To become a registered volunteer organization with our program, please complete our registration form here - Community Service Bursary Organization Registration Form.

Once completed, email the form to

Approved organizations will be added to our web page -  List of Registered Volunteer Organizations.

Please note:  If a registered volunteer organization does not report any volunteer hours within a 5-year period, the organization will be removed from our list of registered volunteer organizations. If they decide to use the Community Service Bursary program again, they can re-register at any time.

How should volunteer hours be reported?

All organizations should complete the volunteer hours record form and email it to This form is available in either excel or PDF file formats.

Excel:  Volunteer Hours Record

PDF:  Volunteer Hours Record

When a volunteer organization submits volunteer hours to our office, the hours are recorded, and a confirmation email is sent to the volunteer organization. (Students are responsible to track their own volunteer hours. Prior to awarding the bursary, students will be contacted and asked to confirm the number of hours they have volunteered.)

When should volunteer hours be submitted?

There are two options to submit volunteer hours.

Yearly: Organizations may submit volunteer hours on a yearly basis. This would include submitting hours at the end of the student’s grade 10, grade 11, and grade 12 school year.

One-Time:  Organizations may submit the student’s total volunteer hours at the end of the student’s grade 12 school year.

Volunteer hours will only be accepted until July 31 following the student's  grade 12 graduation.

Where can I get more information about the Community Service Bursary?

Student Financial Services

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE
C1A 7N8

Office Location:
176 Great George St., Suite 212
Charlottetown, PE

Telephone: (902) 368-4604

Published date: 
May 24, 2024