
Feedback shows Islanders are focused on clean, affordable and reliable energy 

Feedback received, through input from hundreds of Islanders and over 60 community, energy and environmental stakeholders about the future of energy in PEI, has been compiled in a new report.

The information gathered in the PEI Energy Blueprint - What We Heard Report will help inform an updated energy strategy for the province, which will guide future policy direction for electricity and other energy uses.

“Prince Edward Island is set to achieve net zero by 2040. To do this, we need a solid plan to transition to more local, reliable clean energy,” said Environment, Energy and Climate Action Minister Steven Myers. “All Islanders are affected by these goals, so it is important that the new energy strategy is designed with the help of residents and local experts.”

Nearly 80 per cent of the feedback shows agreement with the proposed principles of the updated energy strategy including: 

  • Lowering GHG emissions in a carefully planned manner without undue burdens on vulnerable Islanders or their businesses
  • Developing a diverse and balanced supply of net-zero energy with a balance of on and off-Island supply from a wide range of energy resources (wind, solar, biofuels including biomass and hydrogen) 
  • Making use of Island skills, experience, and ambition to build new economic opportunities related to energy, and clean technology. 

People are concerned about energy resiliency, calling for better preparedness and planning for extreme weather. Seeing extreme weather in winter also raised issues about undue dependence on grid supplied electricity, especially for heat. A diversified supply of electricity from on and off-Island was noted as an important objective. 

Government intends to use this report, the results of energy system modelling, energy sector reports, studies and news on sector developments and trends to compile a new energy strategy for PEI that is consistent with the province’s environmental and social priorities. The strategy is planned to be released in 2024, followed by detailed operational plans to implement specific actions in the strategy.  

To learn more about energy in Prince Edward Island, visit: PEI Energy Blueprint

Media contact:
Katie Cudmore
Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action

General Inquiries

Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action
4th Floor, Jones Building
11 Kent Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-5044
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