Grants for Indigenous organizations to help women and girls
The Abegweit and Lennox Island First Nations and Indigenous organizations will each receive financial support to advance the important work from the Calls to Justice of the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG).
The Indigenous Relations Secretariat will provide annually a total of $250,000, $50,000 to each organization, to help increase their capacity to meaningfully engage their communities on MMIWG priority areas. The advice provided back to the Province will inform future government initiatives to support Indigenous peoples in Prince Edward Island.
“The MMIWG report is extremely important for Indigenous peoples of Prince Edward Island and Canada. They have endured many traumas and it took great strength and perseverance for them to share their stories multiple times. Part of the healing process requires taking action on these Calls for Justice and as Islanders we are taking this to heart. In the last two years, we’ve been working hard to improve collaboration between governments, the Mi’kmaq First Nations, and Indigenous and community organizations to better serve the Indigenous peoples of Prince Edward Island.”
- Premier Dennis King
The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, first released in June 3 of 2019, calls on Canadians to acknowledge the underlying and systemic issues Indigenous peoples face and to take action to create healthy and safe homes for Indigenous peoples.
The Province formed the MMIWG Indigenous Working Group in 2020 with government officials as well as representatives from the Lennox Island and Abegweit First Nations and Indigenous organizations to identify and prioritize work that can respond to the local Calls to Justice. As of 2021, the four priority areas include education, health, housing, and capacity funding for the Indigenous led MMIWG work.
“We know that we will not be able to turn these Calls to Justice into actions without those most deeply impacted at the table. Our government remains committed to working closely with all levels of government, the PEI Mi’kmaq, Indigenous organizations, and community partners to answer these calls,” added Premier King. “These grants will bolster the Indigenous organizations’ capacity to help Canadians and Islanders take an active role in moving forward together on the path to reconciliation.”
Media contact:
Vicki Tse
Executive Council Office
The Indigenous Relations Secretariat is providing funding to the following organizations, who are all members of the Indigenous Working Group:
- Aboriginal Women’s Association
- Lennox Island First Nation
- Abegweit First Nation
- Mi’kmaq Confederacy of Prince Edward Island
- Native Council of Prince Edward Island