
Premier King announces all-party initiatives in response to COVID-19

Prince Edward Island’s Premier Dennis King announced today that all parties are united in the response efforts to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The COVID-19 virus knows no bounds, be they physical, emotional, financial or political. Islanders are facing many different, unpredictable challenges and government has a duty to help people navigate these uncertain times.”

- Premier Dennis King.

“Through leadership, unity, collaboration and with the best interests for the health and safety of Islanders at heart, the decision-making process government is well positioned to help our province through these most difficult and unprecedented times.”

“There is no doubt in my mind that we must act swiftly and decisively to help reach Islanders in order address their immediate needs, while planning for the many uncertain factors,” King said. “We recognize that every decision we make will not be perfect and we are continuously trying to balance doing the right thing with taking action as swiftly, efficiently and inclusively as possible.”

Premier King acknowledges his legislative colleagues for their continued support. With the leaders of both the Official Opposition, Peter Bevan-Baker, and the Third Party, Sonny Gallant, working with the three special Cabinet Committee Working Groups and sitting at the provincial Situation Response Table, all Island legislators are united in the response to help Islanders through these unprecedented times.

Premier King and Finance Minister Darlene Compton recognize that Heath MacDonald, Liberal MLA and former Minister of Finance, has knowledge in rolling out financial assistance programs. As such, Mr. MacDonald has been engaged to provide input and advice. 

Premier King has also asked Progressive Conservative MLA Cory Deagle to chair a Task Force, along with Green MLA Lynne Lund and Liberal MLA Gordon MacNeilly, to develop an Islanders Helping Islanders Volunteer Service Directory that will be available online in the upcoming days. The directory will list community services and supports available in each of the 27 electoral districts to assist Islanders through these challenging times. This task force, with representatives from all three parties, will be engaging all 27 MLAs to assist in providing the information for the directory.

“During these critical days, Cabinet ministers and senior members of the civil service have been meeting multiple times a day to make quick decisions that will address the immediate needs of Islanders from all walks of life, across the province. I would like to thank everyone one of these individuals for their continued dedication to support Islanders through the COVID-19 pandemic,” added Premier King. 

“Since the election, our legislative approach, with the support of all elected parties, has demonstrated the very best of who we are as Islanders. At a time when Islanders need to pull together, it's so important and helpful that we present a united front to lead Islanders through these difficult times."

For the latest information on COVID-19, visit



  • Both the Leaders of the Official Opposition, Peter Bevan-Baker, and of the Third Party, Sonny Gallant, are participating in the provincial Situation Response Table, which meets daily, and includes: representatives from every department, the chairs of the three Special Cabinet Committees tasked with response efforts to COVID-19, co-chairs of the Joint Health Response Team (Health PEI and the Department of Health & Wellness), and other senior leadership representatives from Government. 
  • Official Opposition Leader Peter Bevan-Baker has joined the Cabinet Committee Working Group on COVID-19 response efforts for Labour & Social Supports. 
  • Leader of the Third Party Sonny Gallant has joined the Cabinet Committee Working Group on COVID-19 response efforts for Economy & Business Supports; 

Media Contact: 
Amanda Hamel
Executive Director, Communications and Public Affairs
Office of the Premier
(902) 368-4400 

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95 Rochford Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

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