Province’s first-ever mental health and addictions emergency department ready to open

The Mental Health and Addictions Emergency Department will open next week to Islanders needing urgent mental health, addiction and substance use care and clinical support in times of crisis.
The new $9.5 million facility is the first of its kind in the province and in Atlantic Canada. With a safe and welcoming patient-centred environment, it provides people who are experiencing a mental health, addiction and/or substance use crisis with 24/7 access. The department is staffed by a multi-disciplinary team of trained health care providers who will assess, stabilize, and manage urgent care needs.
Health care teams will also work with patients to create a treatment plan and make connections to other acute or community-based mental health, addiction or substance use programs and services that best supports the person’s journey to well-being.
The new 8,000 square foot facility offers two distinct services and spaces: a mental health and addictions emergency department, which will open at 8:00 a.m. on February 27, 2024, and a mental health and addictions short stay unit, which will open in the coming months. A psychiatric assessment is required for admission to the short stay service. The Mental Health and Addictions Emergency Department has seven assessment rooms, a family room and consult rooms, and a central workstation for the health care team. The adjoining Short Stay Unit has four patient rooms for people who require a brief hospital admission of 72-hours or less, and two transition rooms for those awaiting transfer to an inpatient mental health bed. Services offered include psychiatric assessment, telepsychiatry, addictions crisis services and stabilization.
It is co-located with the QEH emergency department and shares the same public entrance. Patients will be assessed by the QEH emergency department triage team to ensure those in crisis receive any urgent medical care they need prior to moving into the new space for mental health, addiction and/or substance use care.
Construction of the Mental Health and Addictions Emergency Department and Short Stay Unit is an initiative of the Mental Health and Addictions Capital Redevelopment Project and part of strategic provincial investments to build a more resilient mental health and addictions service, making it easier and more convenient for Islanders seeking urgent care and support.
“This unique mental health and addictions emergency department, a first-ever for our region, is critical to transforming how care is provided to Islanders in need of urgent support. Having streamlined, 24/7 access to a team of health care providers specializing in mental health and addiction treatment will mean Islanders asking for help will get the help they need fast, in a dedicated and welcoming place. This is a life-changing step forward that will touch the lives of so many.”
– Hon. Mark McLane, Minister of Health and Wellness
“Having a dedicated space for mental health, addiction and substance use care adjacent to the QEH emergency department is an extremely important step for Islanders and our health care system. This unique space is one more step in our Strategic Redevelopment Plan which is transforming mental health, addiction and substance use care on the Island. For those individuals who require emergency psychiatric or addiction services, this new Mental Health & Addictions Emergency Department is the first step in their treatment journey.” – Dr. Javier Salabarria, Health PEI Medical Director of Mental Health and Addictions Services
“The toughest part for someone experiencing a mental health, addiction or substance use crisis is often just walking through the door. We are proud of our partnership with Queen Elizabeth Hospital to strengthen how we care for Islanders by making that initial encounter a more positive one in a dedicated space with supportive mental health and addictions staff.” – Leslie Warren, Health PEI Director of Mental Health and Addictions Acute and Complex Care
Media Contacts:
Samantha Hughes
Health and Wellness
(902) 316-1323
Everton McLean
Health PEI
(902) 213-1507