Recipients of the Anti-Racism Grants and Microgrants
Seventeen community organizations are receiving a total of $148,518 in provincial funding to deliver activities that support cultural diversity and inclusion in Prince Edward Island.
The Anti-Racism Grants and Anti-Racism Microgrants assist with projects that benefit racialized and Indigenous communities and strengthen the link between racial equality and community cohesion in the province.
“We are delighted to see the great projects that will help address racism thanks to funding from both grants. Community organizations will be offering workshops, panels, trainings, and more through arts, music, food, education and sports,” said Nancy Peters, co-chair of Prince Edward Island’s Anti-Racism Table. “We are optimistic that Islanders will continue to apply for funding as we work together to address racism.”
“Our communities have been enriched by the growing diversity across our province and we need to work together to address and eliminate hate, inequity, and racism. I encourage Islanders to participate in the projects and workshops made available through both funding programs.”
- Dennis King, Premier of Prince Edward Island
Since launching in 2022, the Anti-Racism Grant and Microgrant initiatives have supported 48 projects, with an investment so far of $338,570.20, to help address racism in PEI.
Media contact:
Nicole Yeba
Bilingual Senior Communications Officer
Executive Council Office
Anti-Racism Grants Recipients
BIPOC USHR - $21,121
Harmony Builders: Cultivating Anti-Racism Advocates Workshops
BIPOC USHR will design a train the trainer program and host an 18-hour (six 3-hour sessions) in which they will teach white people, who identify as allies willing to educate others on anti-racism, how to talk and teach about anti-racism to their fellow white people. Participants will become better equipped to counter racism where they see it, but also to deliver anti-racism education to other white people. This project will indirectly impact racialized people as it will remove some of the burden placed on them to educate on matters associated with racism. It will also make the Island a little safer for them, as more white individuals will have the knowledge and tools needed to fight racism.
Early Childhood Development Association of PEI - $22,213
A New Generation Focused on Moving Forward Together
A micro-credential program designed to train employees, starting with those in leadership roles in early childhood education. Participants will develop competencies to foster psychologically safe, equitable, anti-racist, and inclusive service delivery and workplaces. Throughout this course, learners will engage in dialogue, develop strategies for navigating sensitive issues related to anti-racism and inclusion in the workplace, explore implicit and explicit forms of historic, systemic, and institutional bias, racism and inequity, and be introduced to theoretical frameworks that will support their commitment to becoming inclusive leaders.
Kerala PEI Cultural Association - $12,954
Assessing Life Experience of Immigrants from India to PEI
This project aims to conduct an in-depth analysis of experiences and challenges of recent Indian immigrants to PEI, its root causes, and its impact. This research will serve as a foundation for developing effective strategies and interventions to address any identified barriers and gaps that may be related to racism. The project objectives include, research and analysis, awareness campaigns, workshops and training, community dialogues, inclusivity initiatives, and ongoing support programs.
Music PEI - $23,863
“Know Better/Do Better” Anti-Racism and Music PEI
A project addressing racism in the music industry on PEI through education, policy change, and creating a culture of equity. Music PEI will collaborate with BIPOC USHR and Evelyn Bradley Consulting to help develop and enact an anti-racism policy to the fullest extent within our organization, and to educate our staff, leadership and membership. Music PEI will offer 10 Anti-Racism and Bystander Training Workshops via BIPOC USHR over the course of the coming year in order to provide education, skills and practice in eliminating racism from the PEI music industry. The ultimate impact would be to increase accessibility, remove barriers, support success and improve the experiences of BIPOC musicians, industry professionals and audience members on Prince Edward Island.
PEI Rape & Sexual Assault Centre - $18,358
Survivor-Centric Change: Empowering Anti-Racist Transformation in Gender-Based Violence Service Providers
A training initiative designed by the PEI Rape & Sexual Assault Centre (PEIRSAC) in collaboration with a hired DEI consultant to address systemic issues within sexual assault support services on Prince Edward Island (PEI) by prioritizing survivor-centric and anti-racist approaches. The two full day sessions will also include training for gender-based violence prevention service providers, as well as in-depth consulting and one-on-one education with the PEIRSAC team and board. By prioritizing the unique experiences of survivors from marginalized communities, fostering cultural competency among professionals, and catalyzing organizational change, the project aims to contribute to a resilient and supportive community for all survivors.
Anti-Racism Microgrants Recipients
Bedeque Area Historical Society - $1,559
Poster Panel and Public Talk
The creation and display of a poster-panel telling the story of Islanders of African descent who arrived on Prince Edward Island in the 1780s as slaves of some of the United Empire Loyalist settlers. It will also include a short narrative outlining the subsequent history of these Black Loyalists and their incorporation into Island society and a law passed by the Island’s government in 1825 intended to make slavery illegal. The second component will be a public talk by Mr. Jim Hornby, the author of Black Islanders, based on his research about the people brought as slaves to the Island by the Loyalists.
Boys and Girls Club of Summerside Inc. - $5,000
Stick Together Family Fun and Hockey Festival
The “Stick Together” program is a collaborative effort between BGC Prince County, the Mi'kmaq Confederacy of PEI (MCPEI), the PEI Aboriginal Sports Circle, and the Lennox Island First Nation. This sports and education program aims to provide opportunities for Indigenous and non-Indigenous children and youth across the Prince County region of PEI to play ball hockey together, foster friendships, and build community connections, while promoting and raising awareness of truth and reconciliation. In July 2024, BGC Prince County will host the third annual Lennox Island Family Fun and Celebrity Hockey Fest, a celebration of Mi'kmaq culture and an opportunity for cross-cultural sharing. The festival will showcase traditional Mi'kmaq experiences provided by Experience Lennox Island. Attendees can learn from skilled artisans and traditional teachers, while also enjoying stories of traditional life on Lennox Island and learning about the rich history of the Mi’kmaq on PEI.
C.H.A.N.C.E.S Inc. - $4,950
Building Bridges: Smart Play Anti-Racism Initiative
A comprehensive program designed to address issues of racism and promote inclusivity among students in the afterschool setting. Through creative arts projects, cultural exchange events, and community dialogue sessions, Building Bridges: Smart Play Anti-Racism Initiative aims to tackle the pervasive problem of racism by fostering dialogue, understanding, and empathy among participants. The project also aims to address the prevalence of racism and discrimination in the school environment. Racism manifests in various forms that create barriers to students' academic success and overall well-being. The initiative will also procure books representing various cultures for each location and introduce the cultures to children. Open conversations and a cultural event for families will further enhance the impact and effectiveness of the program.
Colonel Gray Senior High School - $800
Embracing Diversity: A Celebration Through Art
Led by Grade 11 students, this art collection project is aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion. It involves collaborating with local schools to create a collection of artworks, each representing the students' perspectives on diversity. Project leads will invite schools in their community to participate in a design competition. Each school will select a winning design, which will then be painted onto a 30 x 30 cm canvas. The artwork will reflect the students' interpretations and experiences of diversity and anti-racism. A 2D wood art centerpiece will also be created featuring an image of a handshake, symbolizing unity and diversity.
Coopérative de développement culturel et patrimonial de Mont Carmel - $5,000
Faisons découvrir aux éclats nos différences culturelles!
Organizers will present 4 racialized and/or Indigenous artists and/or groups in the programming of their annual series of shows taking place July 7 to August 25, 2024. This will expose audiences to different cultures through music, a universal language, while promoting participation and reducing barriers in arts and community culture. Artists will present themselves on stage and audiences can experience different cultures and gain a deeper appreciation, understanding, and respect for these cultures and ethnic groups.
Engineers PEI - $5,000
Engineers for an Inclusive Prince Edward Island (EFI-PEI)
Delivery of training workshops on anti-racism in a three-part series focused on:
- What systemic racism is and means: past, present and future
- Positionality, empathy, intersectionality as Engineers and Global Citizens
- Equality and Equity, from Education to Engineering
The project will also include moderated peer-based panel discussions for the membership to invite the learning and understanding of lived experiences. This project will include community outreach and public engagement for new Canadians to PEI, specifically the children and families, in the form of engineering-based outreach activities, such as two half-day events that integrate engineering concepts, Indigenous knowledge, and Canadian culture. Funding will also be used to contribute to Engineer PEI’s capacity to promote and participate in national events such as Black History Month, Pride Month, and National Day of Truth and Reconciliation.
Kids West - $5,000
Diversity Days
A two-day event celebrating cultural diversity in the community. Day one will focus on the First Nation community showcasing Indigenous culture and activities for pre-k students. The second day will be open to the wider community and diverse groups who will focus on children’s activities including music, dance, and traditional food. Organizers will also host a breakfast. This project will allow diverse communities to interact, celebrate, and learn about various cultures.
Milton Community Hall Inc. - $3,200
Milton Community Hall – Welcoming Neighbors!
A project consisting of four events, three in which residents can listen to a first-hand story of a newcomer, Indigenous person, or a member of the 2slgbtqqia+ community who has experienced racism. The fourth event allows people to share ways to intervene when they witness racist actions. Attendees can learn more about other cultures and lifestyles and build closer connections. Organizers will host: “Meet our Neighbors” communal supper; two “Tea and Talks’; and a Workshop called, “Racism - What Can I Do?”
PEI Cerebral Palsy Association - $5,000
Programs for Black Members
This project will create a designated fund to assist PEI Cerebral Palsy Association’s Black members, because many of them experience distinct barriers in securing healthcare, housing, employment, public services, and face other obstacles as well. Funds will be allocated towards a scholarship program and a bi-annual funding request program.
River Clyde Arts Inc. - $5,000
Building Community Through Cooking & Craft at River Clyde Arts
This project consists of two main activities including an anti-oppression training in June 2024 for all staff, workshop facilitators and contractors. This will help to equip the team with tools to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for racialized individuals within the River Clyde Arts community; as well as ensure that the events actively contribute to fostering a welcoming and anti-racist environment within and outside of our community. New cooking, arts and crafts workshops will be led by newcomer and BIPOC facilitators and delivered in partnership with the Immigrant and Refugee Services Association in the fall and winter. Workshops will have accessibility initiatives built-in, including transportation for participants, and translation offered through IRSA.
Stonepark Home and School Association - $4,500
Not “Just Joking”
A three-part project that includes education through guest speakers, empowering victims through personal narratives, and creating a culture of inclusivity. Through workshops, seminars, and interactive activities, the Not “Just Joking” project aims to instill a culture of inclusivity within Stonepark Intermediate. By cultivating a sense of pride in the school’s multicultural community, we hope to diminish the prevalence of racist attitudes and behaviors. Organizers will invite expert guest speakers who specialize in anti-racism education. These speakers will engage students in thoughtful discussions, providing insights into the historical context of racism, its impact on individuals and communities, and strategies to combat it.
UPEI Athletics & Recreation - $5,000
Panther Playbook - Inclusive Training, Education & Awareness
UPEI Athletics and Recreation will develop and implement a comprehensive training and education program for athletes, coaches and Panther staff members. Topics will include anti-racism, bystander intervention, consent, respectful relationships, and an indigenous coaching model. A comprehensive strategy for this project includes commitment and leadership, curriculum development, training delivery, evaluation and monitoring, and sustainability and continuous improvement.